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Armenia signs Artemis Accords

Armenia signed the Artemis Accords regarding safe and responsible space exploration June 12, the tenth country to do so this year.

From Wikipedia:

The Artemis Accords is a series of non-binding multilateral arrangements between the United States government and other world governments that elaborates on the norms expected to be followed in outer space. The accords are related to the Artemis program, an American-led effort to return humans to the Moon by 2026, with the ultimate goal of expanding space exploration to Mars and beyond.

As of 12 June 2024 (1 day ago), with the accession of Armenia, 43 countries have signed the accords, including twenty-one in Europe, eight in Asia, six in South America, three in North America, three in Africa, and two in Oceania.

Next step for Armenia, dump the CSTO ! LOL!!  Ryu, this post is for you!