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Forums - Politics Discussion - Russia and Ukraine flashpoint

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Macron announced new elections for the end of June due to the results of the European elections where his party lost big against the right wing populists around Marine Le Pen. Pretty bad news for Ukraine and also the EU as a whole.

crissindahouse said:

Macron announced new elections for the end of June due to the results of the European elections where his party lost big against the right wing populists around Marine Le Pen. Pretty bad news for Ukraine and also the EU as a whole.

Yeah and the far right has made gains across the EU due to immigration, it likely won't be enough to hurt Ukraine support but individual countries will, like Macron calling an election, Le Pen will win and she's well known pro-Putin but from my understanding Macron would still remain President for a few years, but yeah...France's support for Ukraine will be cleaved off if Le Pen gains power in the future.

I already warned of this a few months ago, it's not only the fact that slowly supporting Ukraine hurts Ukraine right now now, but also that more far right pieces of shit will gain power in Europe over the next few years, they will use immigration as a way to gain power, and often these same far right fucks are pro-Putin as well so Ukraine support in Europe will weaken as a natural add-on to anti-immigrant far right parties taking power.

Hopefully the UK as a co-creator of Storm Shadow/SCALP has some influence, so that Le Pen feels pressure at randomly deciding to stop sending SCALP or something, Storm Shadow/SCALP is just as much UK's missile as it is France's as is the future SPEAR 5. Honestly if France stopped supporting Ukraine then I would threaten to pull out of the SPEAR 5 project.

crissindahouse said:

Macron announced new elections for the end of June due to the results of the European elections where his party lost big against the right wing populists around Marine Le Pen. Pretty bad news for Ukraine and also the EU as a whole.

Chris, on the other hand, there have been many protests against Orban. I think that this could put pressure on him to be less affiliative with the orcs. 

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BFR said:

That's an incredible  victory for Ukraine, and I'm sure that many Russian officers went up to see Jesus when this happened 

Ukraine is taking a clue from Russia's use of glide bombs and is going to start making them. The ones that America has been supplying have been vulnerable to jamming, so this will be a killer weapon for the F-16 once they are being made.