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Forums - Politics Discussion - Russia and Ukraine flashpoint

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"Tough" countermeasures = Lifting limits on *short-range* weapons, Lol.

What counts as short-range? Will they even be able to hit Russian airbases?

Ryuu96 said:

I'm really glad to hear about this donation by the good people of Sweden. It's about time that the Ukrainians have a modern surveillance and control aircraft as opposed to the old soviet ones or none( I don't know what they currently have if anything). 

Ukrainian artillery shells reach only 25 kilometers. In turn, Russia has safely placed its jamming systems, city-destroying S-300 and S-400 missile launchers, and command centers some 30 to 40 kilometers from the border on the Russian side. Their soldiers therefore attack us with impunity. Though our FPVs could reach seven to 10 kilometers across the border to stop enemy soldiers and vehicles, this isn't possible unless we can disable their jammers.

It reminds me of that scene in "Braveheart" where the Scottish are mocking the British before battle — some soldiers even show their bare buttocks. This is what the Russians are doing to the West right now.

If we were given the green light, the Ukrainian Armed Forces could easily destroy the drone jammers, command centers, and missile launch sites with HIMARS and ATACMS. We know where they all are.

I have two simple requests.

1. Please untie our hands and let us fight back against Russia for the benefit of the whole world. Just like we strike positions in occupied territory, we must be able to strike positions across the Russian border.

2. Help us protect the skies. We need more air defense. And, of course, we need the F-16 fighter jets that we have long been promised.

I don't say this without appreciation. I know where we would be without help from the United States and its great citizens, many of whom have personally provided Achilles with thousands of drones. And I don't ask this lightly. But the Biden administration's nervousness about escalation is in fact providing cover for the Russians to escalate, as evidenced by its latest massacres.

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Ukraine Getting Swedish Airborne Early Warning Radar Planes Is A Big Deal

Ryuu96 said:

I do wonder if Scholz said what he said because Macron blindsided him, Lol. Guess we'll have to wait and see.

Also Biden's foreign policy is a complete joke. When is Europe going to wake up? Lets move without America.

Scholz got blindsided. Germany's minister of defense, Pistorius, did not want to give a clear answer today. He said something along the lines of "Ukraine has the right to defend itself, but what they are allowed to do depends on the conditions set by their individual supporters."

You can interpret this as Germany taking notes from Macron's strategic ambiguity, if you want to be really optimistic. But since Macron wasn't ambiguous about this particular point, well... yeah...

In other news, Rheinmetall is now an official sponsor of the football club Borussia Dortmund. No logos on their jerseys though.

Legend11 correctly predicted that GTA IV will outsell Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I was wrong.