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Forums - Politics Discussion - Russia and Ukraine flashpoint

Course we still need the missiles but like, 10 Patriots would cover practically all of Ukraine's skies.

Probably would get the job done with 8 though.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 03 April 2024

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Hmmmm........ interesting. So the United States is pushing back and offering resistance to this idea of transferring leadership of the broad coalition for Ukrainian aid to NATO. NATO, the United States must stay as leader......... but we don't want to offer aid. It seems paradoxical for us to want to lead such a group if we can't even decide to help at all

shavenferret said:

Hmmmm........ interesting. So the United States is pushing back and offering resistance to this idea of transferring leadership of the broad coalition for Ukrainian aid to NATO. NATO, the United States must stay as leader......... but we don't want to offer aid. It seems paradoxical for us to want to lead such a group if we can't even decide to help at all

The Democrats are our allies but we have to be realistic here, the Republicans aren't and if there's a chance that Trump takes the presidency then Europe and NATO needs to be prepared with a plan, for a future without American support. Kirby says "It is bigger than NATO, it’s 50 some-odd nations all around the world, including in the Indo-Pacific — and what brought them together was American leadership," and it appears he is talking about the Ukraine Defence Contact Group.

On the one hand, I would say that Biden turned America's reputation around after Trump, he made America look like a leader again but I would also say the eastern European countries have shown more confidence than America on some issues, America still complains when Ukraine attacks inside of Russia, America still doesn't let Ukraine use their weapons on Russia, America didn't break the tank taboo, the UK did, America didn't break the long-range missile taboo, the UK did, in fact, America still hasn't sent long-range missiles.

I'm not saying they haven't done a lot because they have, America sent HIMARS, a deadly weapon earlyish in the war, they've sent hundreds of powerful vehicles, their massive military industry has been vital for Ukraine, it's definitely confidence boosting to have America by your side and I don't think Ukraine would be here without America but it hasn't all been America doing everything and recently, America ain't been doing very much, recently, America can't even pass Ukraine foreign aid support for months now thanks to Republicans and I know that largely isn't the Democrats fault but until that foreign aid bill is passed, quite frankly I don't want to hear America's opinion on things, no matter the reason right now, America is not being a reliable ally to Ukraine or Europe.

I also don't think all the countries would suddenly abandon the UDCG if America was no longer the leader...Looking at some of the countries on the list which aren't in NATO and we have...Australia, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Cyprus, Georgia, Ireland, Japan, Kenya, Kosovo, Liberia, Malta, Moldova, New Zealand, South Korea, Tunisia, Azerbaijan, Cambodia, Colombia, Israel, Jordan, Morocco, Pakistan, Sudan and Taiwan.

Pretty sure we can count on the continued participation of the EU countries (Austria, Cyprus, Ireland and Malta). Pretty sure Japan, Australia, New Zealand, South Korea aren't afraid of Russia, especially since all four of those countries have quite robust defence pacts with either America or UK separately from NATO. Japan is also probably supporting Ukraine out of simple hate for Russia due to Kuril Islands, Lol. Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia and Moldova have better relations with EU than America and are all trying to get into the EU.

Who was it that procured 1 million shells from countries outside of NATO like South Korea and South Africa? Czech Republic...Not America.

NATO has been about protecting Europe from Russia and I agree that America has been a massive reason for that protection being so strong but the fact is that we cannot trust the Republicans, we cannot trust Trump, we need to have a backup plan for a future without America, if Biden wins then great, America will still be involved and the protection of America will still be there, America will still be able to contribute, they don't have to run the whole show to make significant contributions? Czech Republic certainly doesn't run the EU/NATO, Lol.

And a stronger Europe that can stand on its own two feet is better for everyone.

The Dems should spend more energy on trying to get the Republicans to pass the damn bill and I don't mean just telling them off on Twitter, Lol.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 03 April 2024

If we end up in a situation where Europe out of fear of losing America, takes an active leadership role and starts hugely investing in their military but oh it actually turns out we didn't lose American support, they're back and now for 4 more years, well, now we have America's ridiculous sized military industry back but we also have a Europe who has a lot of excess now too.

Who cares? The more support for Ukraine the better, the only possible way such a scenario could be seen as a bad thing is by America upset at losing a little influence over Europe and penny pinchers in Europe who think they wasted their money because daddy America is back to protect them. Neither of those are better reasons than saving Ukrainian lives and ending this war sooner.

Europe should move forward under the assumption that Trump will win, even though I don't think he will.

The national anthem of Ukraine. And it's pretty hard-core, the song is all about rallying the people against a larger force, so it's still quite appropriate even though was written over 150 years ago.

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shavenferret said:

The national anthem of Ukraine. And it's pretty hard-core, the song is all about rallying the people against a larger force, so it's still quite appropriate even though was written over 150 years ago.

Their Army Anthem goes hard.

This video has the lyrics - Ukrainian Song - "Марш нової армії" [English Translation] Slava Ukraini!

"For crying hasn't given freedom to anyone yet.
But whoever is a fighter, he gains peace."

It beats the Russian VDV Anthem 👀

Ahh...The VDV...One of the most overhyped units ever...They'll need a rename after this war.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 03 April 2024

Ryuu96 said:

Ahh...The VDV...One of the most overhyped units ever...They'll need a rename after this war.

They're no different than the "Immortals" of the Persian Empire.  Those idiots used shields made of wicker against the Greeks shields of bronze.

Last edited by BFR - on 04 April 2024

Mission Accomplished for Mike Johnson.

Fuck the UN as well, a toothless fantasy land organisation which believes factories used to produce weapons to kill Ukrainians are somehow civilian targets, these hippy morons don't understand war at all, Ukraine is demanded to fight with one arm tied behind its back while the enemy has zero restrictions because of sensitive weak fucks in the west.

Remove Russia from the permanent Security Council.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 04 April 2024