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Forums - Politics Discussion - Russia and Ukraine flashpoint

Also, for all the hype about America's military industrial complex controlling politicians, it sure as shit is being useless recently, you'd think those fellas would be breathing down Mike Johnson's neck, so much for them having power over America. The one time I actually want them to do something and they're asleep, pull some strings, make Mike Johnson sweat.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 18 March 2024

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The Czech Republic has secured about 800.000 artillery shells from various suppliers around the world. It concerns 300.000 Soviet-style shells and about 500.000 Western-made shells. It has found another 700.000 that can be purchased additionally.

The first 800.000 will be delivered in batches throughout the year. And as soon as the funding is allocated, additional shells will follow. The Czech government estimates that the total purchase of 1.5 million shells will cost $3.3 billion.

The shells include 300,000 Soviet-standard shells and around 500,000 Western-made rounds, to be delivered in batches by the end of the year. More shells will be available as funding comes in, the Czech government said. Altogether, Czech officials say around 3 billion euros, equivalent to $3.3 billion, would secure around 1.5 million shells—a fraction of the $60 billion aid package for Ukraine now stranded in the U.S. congress.

The Ukrainian forces are so depleted that they now only fire around two shells for every 10 Russia fires at them, according to Western intelligence estimates. Some military analysts say Ukraine needs up to 200,000 shells of various calibers each month to push back against the renewed onslaught. Czech officials behind the discreet procurement plan said their effort started shortly before Russia’s full-scale invasion two years ago and largely circumvented the ponderous bureaucracies of NATO and the European Union.

Unlike the U.S., France or Germany, which mainly focused on ramping up domestic production to supply Ukraine, Czech officials said their initiative focused on sourcing existing materiel. Czech officials began quietly crisscrossing the globe, clinching sales deals and negotiating export licenses from scores of manufacturing nations. The Czech officials said the country’s past as a Soviet satellite was an unexpected boon. It gifted the country both a substantial armaments industry with global customers and good relations with many nations in the Global South with large stockpiles of Soviet-era weapons and the capacity to produce more.

The officials are coy about where the shells are coming from but say suppliers include some allies of Russia. By contrast, similar entreaties by the U.S. and Western Europeans to potential suppliers in Africa, Asia and Latin America have been rebuffed, according to Western officials.  NATO and EU officials have publicly backed the Czech initiative in recent days. Germany has so far pledged over €500 million, which is by far the largest commitment of all participants, Czech officials said.

The Czech Republic’s approach was to act as a middleman, said Tomas Kopecny, the Czech special envoy for Ukraine who helped negotiate the deal. Prague approached nations it knew to have either manufacturing capacity or compatible ammunition in storage and connected them with a Western country that would place an order and pay for the shipment. The Czech Republic would then organize the logistics, with shipments going either through its own borders or through third countries, blurring any direct link between the country of origin and Ukraine so as not to expose the supplier to Moscow’s ire.

“Confidentiality is key here: We talk and will talk to anyone, no matter what their allegiance or political stance is—with a very few exceptions, such as North Korea,” said Tomas Pojar, the Czech government’s national security adviser. Prague’s efforts exposed a discrepancy between some governments’ friendly attitude to Russia in public and their openness to doing business with Ukraine’s allies in private, said Jan Jires, deputy minister of defense.

“If you come with a pile of money they are interested, and Czechia is seen as neutral compared with the U.S., which is often polarizing,” said Jakub Janda, head of the European Values Center for Security Policy, a Prague-based think tank, using an alternate English-language name for the country. So far, the Czech Republic has secured funding for the first tranche of around 300,000 shells. Among the donors are Germany, Canada, the Netherlands and Denmark. The U.S. isn’t part of the buyers’ club at this stage.

While larger Western powers such as the U.S. have debated the dangers of sending new types of weapons to Ukraine for fear of provoking Moscow, the Czech Republic began early on to deliver main battle tanks, rocket launchers and large artillery pieces to Kyiv. The launch vehicle for the missiles that sank Russia’s Black Sea Fleet flagship, the Moskva, was delivered by the Czech Republic.

“It was frustrating to see countries who are far wealthier and more powerful being inactive when it was a matter of life and death for Ukrainians, and by consequence also for us as well,” Kopecny said. Lange said the success of the Czech initiative was a lesson for larger NATO members that have focused on ramping up their own weapons production, a slow process that is now constricting supplies for Ukraine.

U.S. production increases have been slowed by the budget impasse in Congress. America will have the capacity to produce nearly 70,000 shells a month by late 2024, rising to 80,000 a month by mid-2025, according to Doug Bush, the Army’s assistant secretary for acquisitions, logistics and technology.

European arms manufacturers are all increasing production, but due to regulation, supply-chain issues, a lack of government financing and a shortage of labor, a significant uptick in production isn’t expected until late next year or early 2026. In the EU, expanding an existing ammunition factory takes around two years, and erecting a new one around five, according to officials and industry representatives from several countries.

The EU has said that its arms companies will be able to produce 1.4 million shells a year by the end of 2024 and two million in late 2025. Up to 50% of all EU defense production was being exported to third countries other than Ukraine until mid-2023, and EU officials have publicly called for defense companies to give priority to exports to Kyiv. The U.K., one of the world’s largest shell producers, also says its capacity to produce shells will have increased eightfold, by early 2025, from the levels before Moscow’s full-scale invasion.

By comparison, Russia, despite being under severe economic sanctions, is poised to start making nearly three times as much high-caliber ammunition as the U.S. and Europe this year, according to Western intelligence estimates. Russia’s overall artillery production, including rockets, will plateau at three million rounds a year, according to the Royal United Services Institute, a British think tank.

In Central Europe, Czechs Go Hunting for Arms for Ukraine - WSJ

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Czech Republic is a hero.

$3.3bn for 1.5m shells doesn't sound that much, a few western nations could easily fund that between themselves, America alone could fund it if the aid package is ever passed. But time is of the essence now, it's all well and good that they've secured contracts and have promises but the shells need to be delivered ASAP. Ukraine being at a 2-10 disadvantage is bad and they need hundreds of thousands a month.

I had a suspicion that some were Russian allies, these dudes don't give a shit about "allies" as long as you throw cash in their face, Czech is playing this smartly, although I'd not be surprised if Russia blanket threatens all their allies now in a tantrum to try to intimidate them into not supplying Ukraine, they're probably going to start watching their allies like a hawk and try find out who it is.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 18 March 2024

Refineries : Scribble Maps

RolStoppable said:

This week Germany's social democrats (SPD) have been raising the possibility of freezing the conflict between Ukraine and Russia. What followed the heavy criticism of the party consisted of super lame excuses, just as you'd expect when someone is saying something so incredibly stupid in the first place. What took the cake was the statement by Esken (SPD chairwoman or whatever her title would be in English), because in an attempt at damage control she said that she wants to make it absolutely clear that everyone's stance in the SPD is unlimited/unconditional support for Ukraine. She really said this when she should know that the SPD has tried to block new types of equipment for Ukraine at every step along the way, and when she should know that everyone else knows this too.

I guess the SPD was testing the waters, similar to how Macron has recently pushed in a new direction by not ruling out NATO ground forces in Ukraine; the obvious difference being that Macron acted in a pro-Europe manner while the SPD is moving in a pro-Russia direction.


A short update on this story:

On Sunday, SPD's co-chairman (Klingbeil) defended the guy (Mützenich) who raised the possibility of freezing the conflict. Today Pistorius, Germany's minister of defence (also SPD), distanced himself from Mützenich. At least one important SPD figure chose to be on the correct side. Not that this changes anything about Taurus where Pistorius echoes Scholz, but hey, baby steps.

Also, former SPD chancellor Schröder (in charge of Germany from 1998 until 2005 or so) has welcomed Mützenich's suggestion. But this guy has pursued money and happens to be on Putin's side since a long time, so his words hold no value anymore. Except that you absolutely do not want to receive agreement from him when it comes to foreign politics concerning Russia.

As a sidenote, Scholz has visited Israel this past weekend and performed spectacularly in his usual manner of quiet words that every authoritarian leader finds easy to shrug off, even if Scholz stands right next to him. Germany in political terms garners about as much respect on the world stage as their football national team right now.

Legend11 correctly predicted that GTA IV will outsell Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I was wrong.

Prick voted NO on the foreign aid bill and now he's going to Ukraine for a photo op.