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Forums - Politics Discussion - Russia and Ukraine flashpoint

I love how it is always a ridiculous number (high 80s - low 90s) but they never go all the way, they always leave just a little bit of an example of differing opinions, sort of like "hey, look at how loved our supreme leader is, but don't worry, we also have people who don't like him!" They should save us the bullshit and pull a North Korea and put the number at 99% Lol.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 17 March 2024

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Senior European officials stressed that a Russian victory in Ukraine would result in Russia posing a strategic threat to NATO security. European Union High Commissioner Josep Borrell stated on March 14 that a Russian victory in Ukraine that places Russian troops on the borders of Poland, Moldova, and the Baltic states would be an “unbearable” security cost to Europe and the United States. Borrell noted that there is no alternative to NATO to ensure European security against a Russian threat and stated that Russia’s invasion acted as a ”strategic wake-up call” for Europe to take more responsibility for its own defense capacities in the future.

French President Emmanuel Macron agreed with Borrell, stating that Russia’s war in Ukraine is ”existential for our Europe and for France.” Macron emphasized that a Russian victory in Ukraine would diminish European security and that if the situation in Ukraine deteriorates, Europe should ”be ready to make sure that Russia never wins that war.” Director-General of the Estonian Foreign Intelligence Service Kaupo Rosin stated that a war between Russia and NATO is not inevitable but that the future of Europe heavily depends on the outcome of Russia’s war in Ukraine.

Russian Security Council Deputy Chairperson Dmitry Medvedev questioned the sovereignty of Latvia, a NATO member state, and threatened Latvian President Edgars Rinkēvičs following Medvedev’s March 14 call for the total elimination of Ukraine and Ukraine's absorption into Russia under Medvedev's “peace formula.” Medvedev threatened Rinkēvičs’ life in a post on March 15 and claimed that Russia will hang Rinkēvičs alongside the current “Nazi” Ukrainian government for “wish[ing] for the death of Russia.” Medvedev also claimed that Latvia is a ”non-existent country.”

ISW previously noted that Medvedev’s sardonic and extreme March 14 ”peace formula” more explicitly outlines real and central elements of the Kremlin’s ideology and stated war aims and justifications. Medvedev’s March 15 post is a similarly explicit presentation of the Kremlin’s ideological framing of the war in Ukraine as part of Russia’s longer-term conflict with the West and NATO that Putin has previously alluded to by claiming that Russia is fighting a geopolitical “Nazi” force gaining power in the West.

Medvedev’s threats against Rinkēvičs and the current Ukrainian government follow previous Kremlin efforts to assert its right, contrary to international law, to enforce Russian federal law on officials of NATO member and former Soviet states for actions taken within the territory of their own countries where Russian courts have no jurisdiction, effectively denying the sovereignty of those states.

Russian Offensive Campaign Assessment, March 15, 2024 | Institute for the Study of War

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Prime Minister Yells at Mike Johnson, "How Many More Arguments Do You Need!"

Donald Tusk, Prime Minister of Poland, who visited President Joe Biden at the White House this week warned Johnson that “the fate of millions of people” and “thousands of lives” depends on whether the Republican allows a vote on the $60 billion in military aid to Ukraine.

Tusk told reporters: “This is not some political skirmish that (only) matters on the American political scene. Mr Johnson’s failure to make a positive decision will cost thousands of lives. He takes personal responsibility for that.”

Yesterday, after at least 20 people were reported killed after a Russian missile strike on the city of Odessa in Ukraine, Tusk pleaded with Johnson on X and wrote: “Look at Odessa, Speaker Johnson! How many more arguments do you need to take a decision?

BFR said:

Prime Minister Yells at Mike Johnson, "How Many More Arguments Do You Need!"

Donald Tusk, Prime Minister of Poland, who visited President Joe Biden at the White House this week warned Johnson that “the fate of millions of people” and “thousands of lives” depends on whether the Republican allows a vote on the $60 billion in military aid to Ukraine.

Tusk told reporters: “This is not some political skirmish that (only) matters on the American political scene. Mr Johnson’s failure to make a positive decision will cost thousands of lives. He takes personal responsibility for that.”

Yesterday, after at least 20 people were reported killed after a Russian missile strike on the city of Odessa in Ukraine, Tusk pleaded with Johnson on X and wrote: “Look at Odessa, Speaker Johnson! How many more arguments do you need to take a decision?

I would compare Mike Johnson to Neville Chamberlain, but that would be dishonouring Chamberlain, who was trying to buy time to build up the UK's war economy, so Chamberlain at least had a plan against Hitler. Johnson on the other hand doesn't have anything against Putin. No plan, no back-up ideas, nothing.

Bofferbrauer2 said:
BFR said:

Prime Minister Yells at Mike Johnson, "How Many More Arguments Do You Need!"

Donald Tusk, Prime Minister of Poland, who visited President Joe Biden at the White House this week warned Johnson that “the fate of millions of people” and “thousands of lives” depends on whether the Republican allows a vote on the $60 billion in military aid to Ukraine.

Tusk told reporters: “This is not some political skirmish that (only) matters on the American political scene. Mr Johnson’s failure to make a positive decision will cost thousands of lives. He takes personal responsibility for that.”

Yesterday, after at least 20 people were reported killed after a Russian missile strike on the city of Odessa in Ukraine, Tusk pleaded with Johnson on X and wrote: “Look at Odessa, Speaker Johnson! How many more arguments do you need to take a decision?

I would compare Mike Johnson to Neville Chamberlain, but that would be dishonouring Chamberlain, who was trying to buy time to build up the UK's war economy, so Chamberlain at least had a plan against Hitler. Johnson on the other hand doesn't have anything against Putin. No plan, no back-up ideas, nothing.

Try the Norwegian PM of the time.

SecondWar said:
Bofferbrauer2 said:

I would compare Mike Johnson to Neville Chamberlain, but that would be dishonouring Chamberlain, who was trying to buy time to build up the UK's war economy, so Chamberlain at least had a plan against Hitler. Johnson on the other hand doesn't have anything against Putin. No plan, no back-up ideas, nothing.

Try the Norwegian PM of the time.

I assume you mean Vidkun Quisling with that, right?

I'd say Johnson is somewhere in between the two, otherwise Johnson would try to send the equipment to Russia and hinder Ukraine by other means.

Last edited by Bofferbrauer2 - on 18 March 2024

BFR said:

Prime Minister Yells at Mike Johnson, "How Many More Arguments Do You Need!"

Donald Tusk, Prime Minister of Poland, who visited President Joe Biden at the White House this week warned Johnson that “the fate of millions of people” and “thousands of lives” depends on whether the Republican allows a vote on the $60 billion in military aid to Ukraine.

Tusk told reporters: “This is not some political skirmish that (only) matters on the American political scene. Mr Johnson’s failure to make a positive decision will cost thousands of lives. He takes personal responsibility for that.”

Yesterday, after at least 20 people were reported killed after a Russian missile strike on the city of Odessa in Ukraine, Tusk pleaded with Johnson on X and wrote: “Look at Odessa, Speaker Johnson! How many more arguments do you need to take a decision?

He doesn't give a shit, the only argument in his head is "how will this benefit Trump?" and if preventing the deaths of Ukrainian men, women and children doesn't benefit them in their sick little political game then he will happily let them die. What has this dude even achieved as House Speaker so far aside from sham impeachments and blocked bills? He'll achieve nothing in his career aside from being known as the dude who watches his sons porn usage and got Ukrainians killed.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 18 March 2024