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Forums - Politics Discussion - Russia and Ukraine flashpoint

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"We have an objective: Russia cannot and must not win"

"If events were to escalate, it would, once again, be Russia's responsibility alone,"

"We have imposed too many restrictions on our vocabulary," said Emmanuel Macron.

"If Russia were to win, French people's lives would change. We will no longer have security in Europe".

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 14 March 2024

Macron is on fucking fire lately, I've a new found respect for him and I used to really dislike the dude, Lol. "We are going to survey all the countries in the world (...) their available stocks and we are offering them to buy it back" This is leadership! Everything he said was spot on! Now back it up with actions!

What he said about France being one of few nuclear capable countries which gives them security but also a responsibility to take the lead was spot on too, as I said a few days ago, France and UK can get away with things other countries can't, the UK should be side by side with France in leading Europe as its main protectors now that America can't be counted on, we have the power, we have the responsibility.

When we show confidence, it scares Russia, Putin does not want to die, Russia will not use nukes, the only threat we have is ourselves, if we show fear, if we show reluctance, then Putin will attack us in the future under the assumption that we wouldn't fight back, that we would only use half measures and when I say us, I mean one of the Baltic countries but I say us because we are all European.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 14 March 2024

Just out of pure curiosity, I would love to know where the shells are coming from.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 14 March 2024

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Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 15 March 2024

I hope Americans do the right thing this election.

Republicans are no allies to Europe.