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Forums - Politics Discussion - Russia and Ukraine flashpoint

The Taylor Swift video is hilarious.

Maybe she should run for President next time, if MAGA think she has a 18% swing of power lol.



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Cobretti2 said:

The Taylor Swift video is hilarious.

Maybe she should run for President next time, if MAGA think she has a 18% swing of power lol.

Epic Rap Debate Battles Of History!!

Taylor. Swift. VS Doooonald Trump BEGIN!

169 out of 218 needed.

This was the key vote for the Democrats, as Hakeem is the House Minority Leader, and if the Democrats win the House in November,

he will become the next Speaker of the House, succeeding Mike Johnson.

Here are 7 Republicans who I think will sign this petition, Scalise being the least likely because he is House Majority Leader, second only to Speaker Johnson.

Last edited by BFR - on 12 March 2024

Republicans, who have a majority, have also forced a discharge petition.

*Edit See Below.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 12 March 2024

Democrat Discharge Petition to Pass Senate Aid Bill

The bill includes $60 billion to support Ukraine in its fight against Russia, $14.1 billion in security assistance for Israel, $9.2 billion in humanitarian assistance and $4.8 billion to support regional partners in the Indo-Pacific region in addition to other policy provisions, according to the Senate Appropriations Committee.

Office of the Clerk, U.S. House of Representatives - Discharge Petition Details - 9

Republican Brian K. Fitzpatrick Discharge Petition to Pass His Own Foreign Aid Bill

Fitzpatrick’s bill includes Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan funding like the Senate-approved package, but with significant changes.

Fitzpatrick is putting immigration provisions in the bill, including the “Remain in Mexico” policy. This requires migrants to seek asylum in their home country or in Mexico. The legislation also includes new expulsion authority. These two provisions would last for one year only.

“Lend-Lease” language on U.S. weapons sales to Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan will be added, a nod to former President Donald Trump. Lend-Lease authority for Ukraine was passed by Congress in 2022, but it expired last year. The United States used similar programs in World War II.

The bill, which was introduced by moderate members of the House Problem Solvers Caucus, provides $66.32 billion for defence funding to Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan — less than the $95 billion passed in the Senate earlier this week.

It also doesn't include humanitarian aid for Palestinians in Gaza.

Office of the Clerk, U.S. House of Representatives - Discharge Petition Details - 10

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This is fucking stupid. Republicans are twats. Just vote for the Senate bill FFS.

If I have it right, forgive me if I don't, cause like I said, this whole situation is fucking stupid but anyway, the Republican bill sounds like it's less aid in total, turning some of the aid into a loan, adding border policies which they didn't fucking want a month ago, now we have the Dems and Republicans trying to discharge petition against Mike Johnson, what the fuck.

The Republican discharge petition would likely pass if all Dems voted for it now, since it has a few Republican signatures already, but it's so much worse than the Senate bill, so I doubt Democrats want to vote for that one and then Republicans will scream "Democrats didn't want Ukraine aid! They didn't vote for our discharge petition! Ignore that we didn't vote for theirs!"

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 12 March 2024

Current tally:

Discharge Petition No. 9 (Senate bill) - 169 votes

Discharge Petition No. 10 (new alternate bill - Ryuu's hate) - 12 votes

BFR said:

Current tally:

Discharge Petition No. 9 (Senate bill) - 169 votes

Discharge Petition No. 10 (new alternate bill - Ryuu's hate) - 12 votes

Stalemate, Republicans won't vote for the Senate bill, Democrats won't vote for Fitzpatrick's bill.

Though it's notable how few Republicans are supporting Fitzpatrick's bill as well, it seems to be a tactic to me just to make the Dems look bad because they didn't vote for a bill which is worse in every possible way (and would then have to go through Senate) over voting for the bill that has already bloody passed Senate.

Have my doubts this discharge petition will go anywhere now.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 12 March 2024

How much do you wanna bet the Senate bill will get to 218 by Friday?

BFR said:

How much do you wanna bet the Senate bill will get to 218 by Friday?

Idk, I don't have much faith in the Republicans

The progressive Dems will likely refuse to sign due to the Israel aid portion so Dems would need more than the minimum number of Republican's required, how much more? I'm not sure...I'd have to check previous foreign aid bills and see which Dems voted against them in relation to Israel, I'm assuming people like AOC and others won't sign it.

Do we have like 10? Republicans willing to go against Mike Johnson?