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Forums - Politics Discussion - Russia and Ukraine flashpoint

crissindahouse said:
Ryuu96 said:

Is France/Spain/UK/Germany/Italy contributing anything? Lol.

I swear just one of those could fund most of it on their own...

Seems like the smaller countries have to take the shit from Russia to pay for shells from outside the EU...

It's just baffling...Of all countries, Czech Republic are the ones who get off their asses to find it, a country outside of Europe helps fund it (Canada) and Belgium putting down 200m Euros! Meanwhile I've heard nothing about what France, Spain, UK, Germany or Italy are contributing. Maybe I've missed the announcements somewhere? Unless we're just leaving the smaller countries to find the funds, Lol.

Time is of the essence, Russia has acquired 3m shells from North Korea.

North Korea Sent More Than 3m Artillery Shells to Russia, Says Seoul - Nikkei Asia

Good on Belgium, Czech Republic and others though but lets hurry up and get this funded.

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Pentagon considering tapping last source of Ukraine military funding as Congress stalls on additional aid

The Pentagon is weighing whether to tap into the last remaining source of funding it has for military aid to support Ukraine’s war effort against Russia even without guarantees that those funds will be replenished by Congress, multiple defense officials told CNN.

The Defense Department still has around $4 billion in presidential drawdown authority funds available for Ukraine, which allows the Pentagon to draw from its own stockpiles to send military equipment to Kyiv.

But the Pentagon had previously been reluctant to spend any of that remaining money without assurances it would be reimbursed by Congress through the administration’s $60 billion supplemental funding request, because taking from DoD stockpiles with no plan to replenish that equipment could impact US military readiness.

No decisions have been made yet, officials emphasized. But the conversations about that option and other potential plan Bs have become increasingly urgent over the last several weeks as the situation on the battlefield in Ukraine has become more dire, the officials said.

Pentagon considering tapping last source of Ukraine military funding as Congress stalls on additional aid | CNN Politics

Lol, so basically, Mike Johnson is putting America at risk

crissindahouse said:

Nice, Belgium can't really contribute much own equipment to help Ukraine so great to see they will at least help otherwise when they can. 

4k for one shell. That shit ain't cheap...

For once Belgium is sending something...

Belgium had done so little that their contributions were outpaced by Luxembourg in 2022 and only lately are they starting to pick up the slack.

They'd be really stupid if they try anything now, Ukraine has been practically begging Moldova to let them deal with the Russian troops in Transnistria because they'd deal with them pretty swiftly and be able to pull forces away from Transnistria's border but Moldova is understandably afraid since their army isn't strong or big, they would need help securing their side and Romania probably wouldn't help them.

If they push their luck, Ukraine would wipe them out. It'd be suicide for Transnistria, one HIMARS for example covers more than half of Transnistria and all 3 Battalions and the airport are in Tiraspol, Lol. But if Moldova wants in NATO then at some point they'll have to deal with this problem, either by kicking the Russians out with the help of Ukraine and taking back control or giving up territorial claim over Transnistria.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 28 February 2024

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seriously now? why does the speaker of congress even hold so much power, it doesn't make sense

sounds more like dictatorship than democracy...

don't mind my username, that was more than 10 years ago, I'm a different person now, amazing how people change ^_^

“Yesterday, 02/27/2024, at about 19:00, there was a strike on the gathering place of personnel of the 155th separate marine brigade (military unit 30926, Vladivostok) in the settlement of Olenivka, Donetsk region.

The command held an awarding of servicemen. The strike was carried out by two HIMARS missiles. As a result of the strike, 19 soldiers were killed and another 12 were injured.

According to the source, among the dead:
• Roman Kozhukhov, lieutenant colonel, deputy brigade commander;
• Abilov Alexander, major;
• Shakhmanov Nail, captain;

The commander of the 155th Marine Brigade, Colonel Mikhail Gudkov, was wounded.

The source reports that the command was aware of the work of an enemy reconnaissance UAV in their area, but ignored this information.”

dark_gh0st_b0y said:

seriously now? why does the speaker of congress even hold so much power, it doesn't make sense

sounds more like dictatorship than democracy...

A failure of this magnitude leads to that person resigning in other countries.

Not in America...