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Forums - Politics Discussion - Russia and Ukraine flashpoint

BFR said:

... among his cronies.

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I swear the reason keeps changing, first it was them being afraid of Ukraine using it on Kerch Bridge now it's this bullshit excuse, so Taurus needs German soldiers on Ukraine soil to operate it because Germany doesn't trust Ukraine to operate it by themselves, doesn't stop France or UK from handing over Storm Shadow or SCALP without sending soldiers to Ukraine.

It's downright pathetic at this point, Germany seems to think that Ukraine can win a war by only defending themselves, I'm not making a criticism of their defensive support but their offensive support is downright shit. France, Italy and Spain contributions have been a joke compared to other far weaker, less wealthy countries, UK could send a lot more instead of just taking a PR win for breaking taboos.

Things aren't looking good for Ukraine lately, between the scumbag Republicans in America, the loss of territory, the critically low ammo, the continued pathetic response of Western Europe, the stupidity of "buy Europe" whilst Ukraine needs the ammo NOW. I'm convinced that Ukraine will 100% lose if Biden loses the election because Western Europe is a joke.

All I can say at this point as being part of Western Europe is that I'm sorry to Ukraine, to the Baltics, to the Nordics and to countries in Central/Eastern Europe (Not Hungary). If Ukraine loses, there's going to be a lot of anger and blame thrown around and the above would have a lot of reason to be enraged at Western Europe, it won't be Putin fracturing EU/NATO but Western Europe's weakness.

And Republicans betrayal.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 26 February 2024

Actually I guess the reason remains the same, them being afraid of Ukraine using it on Kerch Bridge and them not trusting Ukraine to operate it on their own is the same reason, they're afraid that Ukraine will go rogue with Taurus and use it to bomb targets which Germany doesn't approve of. Somehow not an issue with UK/France but it is an issue for Germany. Just a spit in the face of Ukraine.

Quite frankly, Ukraine should be able to use these long missiles wherever they want and that should include Russian territory.

Ryuu96 said:

Actually I guess the reason remains the same, them being afraid of Ukraine using it on Kerch Bridge and them not trusting Ukraine to operate it on their own is the same reason, they're afraid that Ukraine will go rogue with Taurus and use it to bomb targets which Germany doesn't approve of. Somehow not an issue with UK/France but it is an issue for Germany. Just a spit in the face of Ukraine.

Quite frankly, Ukraine should be able to use these long missiles wherever they want and that should include Russian territory.

I wish Scholz would at least open a workaround, meaning that Ukraine would be able to produce them themselves. That way, there wouldn't be any problem that Germans weapons would strike Russian territory, since those would be Ukrainian weapons instead.

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Bofferbrauer2 said:
Ryuu96 said:

Actually I guess the reason remains the same, them being afraid of Ukraine using it on Kerch Bridge and them not trusting Ukraine to operate it on their own is the same reason, they're afraid that Ukraine will go rogue with Taurus and use it to bomb targets which Germany doesn't approve of. Somehow not an issue with UK/France but it is an issue for Germany. Just a spit in the face of Ukraine.

Quite frankly, Ukraine should be able to use these long missiles wherever they want and that should include Russian territory.

I wish Scholz would at least open a workaround, meaning that Ukraine would be able to produce them themselves. That way, there wouldn't be any problem that Germans weapons would strike Russian territory, since those would be Ukrainian weapons instead.

They will.

Ukraine Signs Cooperation Memorandum With Taurus Manufacturer - Euromaidan Press

Don't know much more than that, if they'll build a plant in Ukraine or buy from the manufacturer, Ukraine has signed a few agreements with German arms manufacturers, Rheinmetall is planning to build a number of factories in Ukraine itself. If it will be Taurus or a different but similar missile, it'll likely be a couple years before we even see it on the battlefield if it has to be a different missile built specifically for Ukraine, which it may be if Germany has the sole rights to Taurus.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 26 February 2024

BFR said:

Russians about to brag about this for the next 6 months, Republicans and useful idiots about to use it as an example of why America shouldn't send more supplies, Lol. Anyway, tank losses are expected and would be no big deal if the supply of them wasn't so small. Still, 30/31 Abrams so meh. If Republicans are dealt with, America has no issue with Abram supplies, they have thousands, Lol. Doesn't look destroyed to me though, will probably be recovered and repaired later, crew likely survived given the successful deployment of blowout panels.