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Forums - Politics Discussion - Russia and Ukraine flashpoint

Wow! We have reached a new low if the voting public believes he did this.

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They have lost their minds....

GOP-led House impeaches Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas

BFR said:

They have lost their minds....

GOP-led House impeaches Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas

3 Republicans voted against it.

House seems like such a low bar where any old moron can get elected into it.

Jfc, Lol.

JFC, I just learnt Discharge Petition needs to have sat in committee for at least 30 legislative days.

So if Mike Johnson stands firm on not bringing the bill forward for Ukraine aid, Democrats will need to start a Discharge Petition if they want Ukraine aid passed and Mike isn't budging...So if Mike doesn't budge we could be looking at least another 30 legislative days before Ukraine receives American aid. That's pretty dire for Ukraine.

Mike Johnson...What a complete PoS. I'd say send this MF off to Ukraine, have him look directly at the dead Ukrainians, have him face the grieving widows and mothers, have him face the parentless children, but a soulless fuck like Mike wouldn't be affected by any of that, the only thing that brings him any emotion is licking Trump's boots.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 13 February 2024

Talk about close..........

The articles of impeachment against Mayorkas passed 214-213, with the majority made up of all Republicans and three Republicans voting with Democrats against impeachment. Two Democrats and two Republicans did not vote.

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BFR said:

Talk about close..........

The articles of impeachment against Mayorkas passed 214-213, with the majority made up of all Republicans and three Republicans voting with Democrats against impeachment. Two Democrats and two Republicans did not vote.

Eh, why didn't the Democrats vote? Not available?

Would have been funny if it failed again in House, Lol.

But no matter, it will fail in Senate.

BFR said:

Russia is really building the biggest U-boat fleet in the Black Sea...

drkohler said:

The numbers would suggest they have enough material for at least two to three years of war.
The question is can they replace the men that drive/operate/maintain the equipment. Driving a tank through the wilderness and survive is not something you learn in a few weeks. Replacing artillery pieces that wear down really fast due to low quality north korean shells is also a problem.
Not a poblem for Putin are men. He has emptied the prisons for cannon fodder that actually had a positive effect on his expenses, also giving time to train regular troups. Time is clearly on Putin's side with the US's incoming orange guy.

Russia actually does have a problem with men, especially going forward.

You see, birth rates absolutely tanked after the collapse of the Soviet Union. As a result, very few Russians are of reproductive age, which is also the age group used for the soldiers. And with the intellectuals leaving the country early in the conflict (which were mostly young Russians in that age group) and all the losses piling up and little immigration to prop up the numbers (especially now due to the war), Russia is having a severe problem with it's population going forward, to the point that in 50 years, the population of Russia could drop behind Germany or France. 1993 is still the peak year for population of Russia, and while it recovered a bit in the early 2010's (also partially due to the annexation of Crimea, where Russia added 3M people to it's numbers), it was going down again since 2018, and not just due to Covid. The numbers are up for 2022, but that's due to including the Donbass, and they were still only up by 850K, far below the population of the region pre-war.