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Forums - Politics Discussion - Russia and Ukraine flashpoint

crissindahouse said:

Musk arguing how this should end and how Ukraine should just give Russia what they want while also complaining every day about Mexicans invading USA and how USA has to secure their border is such a facepalm. That logic... "another country stealing some of your territory and killing your people? No problem, just give them everything they want to end it! People from another country moving over the border to live in your country? This will destroy us!!! They rape and steal and murder Americans !!!"

And I'm not even saying that USA shouldn't try to do more to stop illegal immigration but you can't say how bad this is while arguing how everything will be better if you just give the invader what he wants in Ukraine. 

Maybe Zelensky should tell Congress Republicans (and Musk) that Russian soldiers little green men are illegally imigrating en masse into Ukraine and that they want to help from the US  to stop that...

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crissindahouse said:

Musk arguing how this should end and how Ukraine should just give Russia what they want while also complaining every day about Mexicans invading USA and how USA has to secure their border is such a facepalm. That logic... "another country stealing some of your territory and killing your people? No problem, just give them everything they want to end it! People from another country moving over the border to live in your country? This will destroy us!!! They rape and steal and murder Americans !!!"

And I'm not even saying that USA shouldn't try to do more to stop illegal immigration but you can't say how bad this is while arguing how everything will be better if you just give the invader what he wants in Ukraine. 

All bout $$$$ with the billionaire.

Wants Republicans to win because they'll be nicer to his businesses so he's ranting about the border to hurt Democrats without outright endorsing a Republican cause he's a chickenshit loser and he almost certainly wants to resume business as usual in Russia.

Ryuu96 said:
crissindahouse said:

Musk arguing how this should end and how Ukraine should just give Russia what they want while also complaining every day about Mexicans invading USA and how USA has to secure their border is such a facepalm. That logic... "another country stealing some of your territory and killing your people? No problem, just give them everything they want to end it! People from another country moving over the border to live in your country? This will destroy us!!! They rape and steal and murder Americans !!!"

And I'm not even saying that USA shouldn't try to do more to stop illegal immigration but you can't say how bad this is while arguing how everything will be better if you just give the invader what he wants in Ukraine. 

All bout $$$$ with the billionaire.

Yeah, wouldn't surprise me that he's just mad he can't sell Teslas to the Putin-backing oligrarchs in Russia anymore

A video counting all the Armored Fighting Vehicles and more specifically, the number of BMPs Russia still has in storage:

The total count: 8917 AFVs, out of which 3677 are BMPs. Keep in mind this video is over 3 months old and the data, which comes from satellite photography, is sometimes even older than the war (it's detailed in the video how old the different pictures are; most were from sometime in 2023), so with all the heavy losses Russia accrued around Avdiivka, the current numbers are certainly less than that now. Considering that according to the Oryx blog Russia has already lost over 4500 APC and IFV combined, it suggests that Russia has burned through at least a third of it's entire stock already - and realistically speaking, due to the age of some of the pictures, and the unaccounted losses of the Oryx blog, probably over half by now.

Another video from them looks at the number of artillery systems they have left, both towed and self-propelled:

Conclusion: Over half of their towed artillery is out of storage, and one third of the SPGs. Also not exactly healthy supply for a prolonged war.

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The numbers would suggest they have enough material for at least two to three years of war.
The question is can they replace the men that drive/operate/maintain the equipment. Driving a tank through the wilderness and survive is not something you learn in a few weeks. Replacing artillery pieces that wear down really fast due to low quality north korean shells is also a problem.
Not a poblem for Putin are men. He has emptied the prisons for cannon fodder that actually had a positive effect on his expenses, also giving time to train regular troups. Time is clearly on Putin's side with the US's incoming orange guy.

Feels like I've seen more vitriol about Biden mixing up his words than I have about Trump's statement from the media Tbh.

Was without a doubt one of the most insane things that Trump has said but...

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 13 February 2024


Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 13 February 2024