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Forums - Politics Discussion - Russia and Ukraine flashpoint

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Russia knows the Republican scum are helping them and will try their best to deplete Ukraine's ammo.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 02 January 2024

Hilariously, they've since deleted the post, which I saw before deletion.

Thread by @Mylovanov on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App

Direct Sales of Weapons and Defense-Related Products to Ukraine Permitted From 1 January 2024 - Norway

No wonder the German army was in a state of disrepair if they don't have enough spare parts for even just dozens of Leopards, let alone hundreds.

Let's hope that with production restarting, spare parts will also come in faster now.

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Ryuu96 said:

Well, I think this can also explain that:

NATO - News: NATO to Buy 1,000 Patriot Missiles to Enhance Allies’ Air Defences, 03-Jan.-2024