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Forums - Politics Discussion - Russia and Ukraine flashpoint

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Germany seriously stepping the fuck up lately.

Now if they sent Taurus...They'd be near perfect.

Ryuu96 said:

Germany seriously stepping the fuck up lately.

Now if they sent Taurus...They'd be near perfect.

Germany certainly knows the threat of a nazi state and of a russian state, now those 2 combined....

Yeah, I read Senate is prepared to delay the Christmas break but is House? I doubt it.

Think it's today or nothing...

Why the hell are they letting this turd of a human being blackmail them? Orban is a Russian asset. He is a security risk to the EU and NATO. The whole of EU being blackmailed by a single country, Hungary of all countries, is infuriating. You can't tell me EU has absolutely nothing to combat this? Surely it's time to try to enforce Article 7 on Hungary and stop playing diplomatic with Orban.

Article 7

Article 7 of the Treaty on European Union allows for the possibility of suspending European Union (EU) membership rights (such as voting rights in the Council of the European Union) if a country seriously and persistently breaches the principles on which the EU is founded as defined in Article 2 of the Treaty on European Union (respect for human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, the rule of law and respect for fundamental rights, including the rights of persons belonging to minorities). Nevertheless, that country’s membership obligations remain binding.

In accordance with Article 7, on the proposal of one third of EU Member States, or of the European Parliament or of the European Commission, the Council, acting by a majority of four fifths of its members, having obtained the Parliament’s consent, may determine that there is a clear risk of a serious breach of these fundamental principles by a Member State, and address appropriate recommendations to it.

Article 354 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union lays down the voting procedures to be used by the main EU institutions when a Member State faces the application of Article 7. The country in question does not take part in the vote. It is not included in the calculation of the one third of countries required for the proposal or the four fifths required for the majority. Parliament’s consent requires a two-thirds majority.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 14 December 2023

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➡️Odesa is a Russian city, everyone knows about it, but they made up historical nonsense, and after the collapse of the USSR we came to terms with it.
➡️The conflict with Ukraine is a tragedy and like a civil war between brothers. The southeast of Ukraine has always been pro-Russian, because these are historical Russian territories.
➡️Russia, after the collapse of the USSR, came to terms with the departure of its original territories, but attached importance to the pro-Russian sentiments of southeastern Ukraine.

He furthermore said that Russia was forced to start hostilities and that after 2014, it became clear for Russia that normal relations with Ukraine would be impossible.

While Putin is continuing his fairy tales about Ukraine, Russians are asking real questions:

"Why does a tray of eggs cost 550 rubles in Dagestan?"

"Mister President, when will the reality in Russia not be different from what is told on television?"

"Why is your reality different with our reality?"


The #EUCO decision to open EU accession negotiations with Ukraine and Moldova has been adopted.

I thank everyone who worked for this to happen and everyone who helped. I congratulate every Ukrainian on this day.

I also congratulate Moldova and personally SanduMaiamd

History is made by those who don’t get tired of fighting for freedom.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 14 December 2023

After hours of talks among the EU's 27 leaders, the European Council president, Charles Michel, has announced that the bloc's leaders have "decided to open accession negotiations with Ukraine & Moldova".

The leaders have also granted candidate status to Georgia, he said, and the EU will open negotiations with Bosnia and Herzegovina "once the necessary degree of compliance with the membership criteria is reached and has invited the commission to report by March with a view to taking such a decision".

"[This is] a clear signal of hope for their people and for our continent," Michel said.

Hungarian prime minister Viktor Orbán left the room while leaders made the decision to open accession talks with Ukraine, three EU diplomats told the Guardian.

Deal reached to open EU accession talks with Ukraine and Moldova – Europe live (