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Forums - Politics Discussion - Russia and Ukraine flashpoint

I'd go as far to say that as long as countries like Hungary exist in EU and NATO then both those organisations are compromised by an untrustworthy ally who is almost certainly working for the enemy, that is Russia. An ally who would definitely stab us in the back given the opportunity, having Hungary in EU and NATO doesn't make us stronger, it weakens us. Hungary actively works against us.

Fears of a NATO Withdrawal Rise as Trump Seeks a Return to Power

Europe as well needs to hurry up and realise that America is an unstable ally as long as Republicans have some form of influence and power, America can't always come to our rescue and likely won't if a Republican is in power, Europe is our land to defend and we need to significantly ramp up our local production and military. If America comes round then great, we have an extremely powerful Europe and America, if they don't come round then at least we're prepared. As it stands right now, I'm unsure Ukraine can win without America's support unless Europe massively scales up their production of military equipment.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 10 December 2023

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Look at this fucking idiot being community noted twice, Lmfao.

Respect to Zelensky for not decking him, I can't imagine how much restraint it takes to speak to Putin's bootlicker without swinging for him.

The defence secretary earlier said that the bid to improve Ukraine's navy "marks the beginning of a new dedicated effort by the UK, Norway and our allies to strengthen Ukraine's maritime capabilities... enhancing their ability to operate in defending their sovereign waters and bolstering security in the Black Sea".

The provision of two Royal Navy minehunters to Ukraine has been in the works for a long time. They were part of a package of UK maritime support, promised before Russia invaded Ukraine.

The Royal Navy has been training Ukrainian crews over the summer in how to use the ships.

However, there are still questions as to how or when they will be able to enter the Black Sea - with Turkey controlling access through the Bosphorus.

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WASHINGTON, Dec 12 (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell said on Tuesday it would be "practically impossible" for Congress to pass a supplemental funding package containing aid for Ukraine before Christmas, even if a deal were struck in coming days.

McConnell told reporters that a deal on legislation to aid Ukraine, Israel and the Indo-Pacific will not happen unless President Joe Biden is fully engaged with Senate Republicans in talks aimed at including provisions to restrict migrant crossings at the U.S.-Mexico border.

"(It) is practically impossible - even if we reach an agreement - to craft it, get it through the Senate, get to the House, before Christmas," McConnell told reporters in the U.S. Capitol.

"There won't be a deal until Joe Biden and Republicans reach an agreement," McConnell added. "Without him, there is no deal."

The House and Senate are currently expected to leave Washington on Thursday for their year-end holiday break. The two chambers are due to reconvene during the second week of January.

Top US Senate Republican McConnell Says Ukraine Aid Deal 'Practically Impossible' Before Christmas | Reuters


Literally it's the only fucking thing they have left, they have no other talking point, nothing left to rile up their fanbase because taking away the rights of women shockingly isn't a good political agenda, they're so desperate for a win that they're willing to throw Ukraine under the bus so they can say "HEY WE WON SOMETHING". Republicans have Ukrainian's blood on their hands.

Useless. Lazy. Fucks.

I don't care about their "Holiday break" when they do next to nothing all year. Poor Republicans, they won't be able to go home to their lovely warm luxury homes and pig out on all the food they could possibly ask for as soon as they'd like, cause that's totally more of a priority than the Ukrainians freezing in trenches and being killed by the minute.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 12 December 2023

Needs to be supported by all EU states, okay, so it's not going to happen because Hungary will block it. We should be sending all the frozen assets to Ukraine, what is Russia going to do about it? And even the most evil of person has to realise that using Russia's money is better than using our own but Orban would probably cry at the thought of upsetting Putin.

Norway being legit and announced $1.8B in aid for Ukraine. Picking up the slack for the recent absentee nations.