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I'd go as far to say that as long as countries like Hungary exist in EU and NATO then both those organisations are compromised by an untrustworthy ally who is almost certainly working for the enemy, that is Russia. An ally who would definitely stab us in the back given the opportunity, having Hungary in EU and NATO doesn't make us stronger, it weakens us. Hungary actively works against us.

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Europe as well needs to hurry up and realise that America is an unstable ally as long as Republicans have some form of influence and power, America can't always come to our rescue and likely won't if a Republican is in power, Europe is our land to defend and we need to significantly ramp up our local production and military. If America comes round then great, we have an extremely powerful Europe and America, if they don't come round then at least we're prepared. As it stands right now, I'm unsure Ukraine can win without America's support unless Europe massively scales up their production of military equipment.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 10 December 2023