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Forums - Politics Discussion - Russia and Ukraine flashpoint

All this talk about Germany not pulling its weight, but to me it feels like Germany is the highest contributor to Ukraines cause since the fiasco in America. Basically their lifeline of ammunition and other essential war goods to keep defending themselves from Russia.

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Farsala said:

All this talk about Germany not pulling its weight, but to me it feels like Germany is the highest contributor to Ukraines cause since the fiasco in America. Basically their lifeline of ammunition and other essential war goods to keep defending themselves from Russia.

It doesn't apply today, Germany today and well, in the past few months at least are doing a lot for Ukraine, it was only in the initial stages where the support was pretty poor, I believe Germany's military isn't really in a great state though, I think Germany swapped defence minister too so Idk if that change had anything to do with support improving.

Scholz is still doing some stupid shit though like not sending Taurus out of fear of Ukraine using it on Crimean Bridge.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 21 November 2023

*Almost* every country could be doing more for Ukraine though, this isn't the West at anywhere close to its best.

Like we should be sending a lot more, we should be producing a lot more stuff domestically for Ukraine as well, it's absolutely pathetic that we promised Ukraine 1m artillery shells in a year but only produced 300k in 8 months so far so Ukraine definitely isn't getting that 1m in a year, meanwhile Russia got 1m from North Korea. We should be producing thousands of drones for Ukraine, ammunition, artillery, etc. In addition to sending them more internal military stock.

This thread from Konrad touches on it too.

Ukraine receives less ammunition than in the summer, which affects the intensity of artillery fire. Ammunition also arrives in Ukraine irregularly, which makes planning operations difficult.

Therefore, I expect that Kyiv will slowly move to the defensive and focus on expanding its fortification systems. This will allow for a reduction in the forces involved in maintaining the front and for the gradual rebuilding of forces and training of units that have so far taken part in the fighting.

It seems that 2024 will be a difficult year for Ukraine. There is no equipment in the West, probably no ammunition either. Some of the holes will be patched by drones (hundreds of thousands produced annually from 2024).


That aside, there hasn't been much activity lately, aside from Russia continuing to send hundreds to their deaths in Avdiivka.

Something amusing though, Girkin made an appearance again.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 21 November 2023

Speaking of Germany.

It is the third tranche of "Iris"-T systems that Germany wants to supply to Ukraine since the beginning of the war. Three systems of the first tranche have already been delivered, and a fourth is to follow this winter. The second tranche of four systems is scheduled to be delivered in 2024, and the third tranche now promised in 2025.

Germany's defensive aid is very strong.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 21 November 2023

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Ryuu96 said:

Looks like Germany gave more military aid than all countries combined aside from the Us. And its amount is almost half of the Us in terms of military aid. And this being a largely demilitarized economy. And as seen with today's announcement, that contribution is only growing.