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Forums - Politics Discussion - Russia and Ukraine flashpoint

Key Findings of the 2023 Report on Ukraine

Key Findings of the 2023 Report on the Republic of Moldova

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Ryuu96 said:

Not sure what Russia is doing here, 400k soldiers should be able to stop this fairly easily and yet it grows.

Still, no excitement until Ukraine establishes a permanent bridgehead, until then this won't amount to much at all.

I think Russia has almost no operational reserve and most of their reserves are or have already been transferred to Avdiivka for the assault on the city salient.

They also probably were thinking that Ukraine would not be able to cross the Dniepr in any meaningful numbers to allow more than just simple, small raids.

Ryuu96 said:

At least something Belgium can do to support Ukraine. This should help Ukraine a lot financing the war and reconstruction.

Also good to see Germany supplying lots of ammo to Ukraine with this order, though the question is how long their production will take.

Russia Reportedly is Using Ukrainian POWs to Fight in Their Homeland on Moscow's Side | AP News

To the Ukrainians' credit, in moving slowly they have probably avoided the enormous losses suffered by Russian forces. Ukrainians have shown that, with support from the West, they can put up a tough fight. That fight continues: our data suggest that the counter-offensive's big push is over, not that the war is. Ukraine's partners should plan for a long fight.

Is Ukraine’s Counter-Offensive Over?

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"There is a certain procedure for pardon. It is an admission of guilt, a decision at the level of the FSIN, then at the level of the region, then at the level of the federal district, then the central commission, then the documents are submitted to the president. This is one way. There is a second way - when they redeem with blood, including on serious articles. They redeem their crimes with blood on the battlefield, in assault brigades, under bullets, under shells," he said.

Vladislav Kanyus killed student Vera Pekhteleva in January 2020, strangling her with an iron wire. Before that, he beat the girl for several hours while police failed to respond to calls from neighbors who heard the woman's screams. In July 2022, Kanius received 17 years in a maximum-security prison. Kanius did not plead guilty.

A year later, Pekhteleva's mother noticed that Kanyus began posting photos on social media in camouflage uniforms and with weapons in his hands, and suggested that he had been recruited to take part in the war in Ukraine. In November, the prosecutor's office informed the parents of the murdered girl that Putin had pardoned Kanyus back in late April.

Ryuu96 said:

Is Ukraine’s Counter-Offensive Over?

Another rather blatant war crime by Russia. Also wouldn't the conscripted POWs just desert at a moments notice or sabotage any Russia defences they are deployed to?

SecondWar said:
Ryuu96 said:

Is Ukraine’s Counter-Offensive Over?

Another rather blatant war crime by Russia. Also wouldn't the conscripted POWs just desert at a moments notice or sabotage any Russia defences they are deployed to?

They'd probably get executed the moment they do the slightest thing wrong. Knowing Russia, I'd not be surprised if they aren't giving the Ukrainian POWs ammo and instead they are just sending them out on the frontlines to die and soak up Ukraine's ammo, then they'll send in the actual Russian soldiers. They don't even treat their own soldiers well...

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 10 November 2023

Ryuu96 said:

They'd probably get executed the moment they do the slightest thing wrong.

That's what the Tchechen nutjobs are used for. If any of those conscripts try to run, they run into the Tchechen guys.