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Forums - Politics Discussion - Russia and Ukraine flashpoint

S.Peelman said:
Bofferbrauer2 said:

Hey, they managed to do it despite machineguns and assault rifles in WW2, so they think they can do it again. But Nazi Germany didn't have the time to dig in properly and were short on other equipments like tanks, things that ain't true for Ukraine, while the soviet union had a massive advantage in numbers, but in personel and equipment, so they could afford it - and even then, if D-Day would have failed, they'd run out of bodies before they'd reached Berlin. But in this war, they are alone and are running out of bodies already.

That's true, they did it before so why change tactics now.

From how their generals talk, I assume it is because they don't want to do it the same way as NATO does, no matter how uneffective others ways may be. Really shows how Eurasianism has taken slowly hold in their minds.

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Ukrainian General Staff reports strikes on airfields near temporarily occupied Berdiansk and Luhansk.

Russian Telegram channels commented that the attack on Luhansk was one of the most serious since the start of the "SMO". They suppose that ATACMS missiles were used, and report losses of people and aviation that supported the Russian grouping in the Southern direction.

Here is what one of the Russian "military bloggers" wrote:

"The morning is not good. Ukrainians stroke with ATACMS missiles on our airfield last night where the Army Aviation was based. One of the most serious strikes in all of the duration of SMO. If not the most serious. There are losses in people and equipment. It is pointless to write about needing to draw conclusions so this doesn't repeat. This will repeat while the war goes on. We need to be ready for it."

Fighterbomber is saying it could be one of the most serious strikes during the entire war. The previous record is held by Novofedorivka in 2022 with at least 7 military aircraft destroyed and 3–4 damaged. The helicopters have been key to Russia combating Ukraine's counter offensive and slowing it down. Russia has already lost around 40 Ka-52's during this war, visually confirmed losses, they're estimated to have around 133 so Ukraine could inflict a serious blow here.

The ATACMS is likely the cluster munition version as America didn't send the main version, if confirmed then it has already inflicted a serious blow within weeks (?) of it being sent! Storm Shadow blows up a submarine, ATACMS (may) have inflicted a serious blow to Russia's air-force, all shortly after being sent. Send Ukraine More Missiles! Taurus next.

Looks as though PIS has lost power in Poland's elections!

From a brief look at what it means, it appears to be a good thing for EU relationships, a bad thing for Orban and potentially a good thing for Ukraine relationships, I'd safely assume that Ukraine military support stays the same.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 17 October 2023

The parties that could form the new government are pro-EU. Leader of the largest opposition party is the former President of European Council.

Haha Orban. LOL. Be ready to be on your own, twat.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 17 October 2023

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For context as to what a slag heap is, this is what the Russians were trying to assault.

It's a literal mountain near Avdiivka made from coal mining, with Ukraine standing on the top and shooting down on them, the top picture is the POV of a Russian assaulting it from the ground, I posted a video earlier in the thread of a dead Russian laying on it, Lol.

Quote from a Russian a few days ago, Lol.

"The (Avdiyivka) slagheap isn't captured, though out boys were on the summit at one point. In that glorious moment, the only things above them were the sky, God, and the drone that was guiding Ukrainian artillery"


Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 17 October 2023

Worse than Vuhledar and that was an absolute shitshow as well, this is reaching Bakhmut levels but without Wagner to carry them.


Storm Shadow has competition on high value target hits

Send more ATACMS and Storm Shadow/SCALP!

Taurus. Germany. Please.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 17 October 2023

SSO of Ukraine gave details about the attack (Operation DRAGONFLY) on Berdyansk and Luhansk. A total of 9 helicopters of different modifications, special equipment, air defense launchers, runways and an ammunition warehouse were either damaged or destroyed.

Based on Sentinel Hub satelite images of Berdyansk airport taken on 15-10-2023, it looks like a minimum of 20 helicopters could have been present. Assuming they haven't moved since that date.

If we overlay FIRMS data, a significant part of them are within the area's of fire. We will have to wait for better satelite images to be able to confirm the damage.