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Forums - Politics Discussion - Russia and Ukraine flashpoint

Thread by @ZelenskyyUa on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App

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The MSI-DS Terrahawk Paladin is a new air defense system that can track and destroy drones and protect critical national infrastructure. It was developed by the MSI-Defence Systems (MSI-DS).

As noted by the company, it is a self-contained solution developed for augmented mobility and deployability in close-range air defense.

The containerized system, with sensors and effectors mounted on a NATO-standard Demountable Rack Offload and Pickup System (D.R.O.P.S.), can be deployed on the ground with offset remote control for operator survivability (hard-wire or Line of Sight). To re-deploy, the D.R.O.P.S. module can be rapidly mounted on a military support vehicle (or trailer-based system) with the requisite space and payload capacity.

  • Direct Fire Effectors up to 40mm
  • Wide Range of Ammunition (i.e. Programmable, Proximity, Swimmer)
  • Wide range of C-UAS Missile and laser-guided rocket pod integration.
  • Remote Controlled (hard-wire or Line of Sight)
  • Field-proven Electro Optic Sensor Suites (on or off-mount)
  • Semi-autonomous cue and slew
  • AI-enabled intelligent video tracking

Ukraine to get newest ‘drone killer’ system from UK (

Apparently this is brand new, I read that the British Army doesn't even use it yet and it was only shown off in the last year or so, from what it looks like, it's not even in full production stage so they likely won't be many of them but I guess they want to use Ukraine to test the system in a real environment. No complaints here if it works out, it's nice to see Ukraine get more modern technology.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 11 October 2023

We're getting images and videos on the Avdiivka assault.

Just hope Ukraine can hold the line in Avdiivka and keep pummelling those vehicles.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 11 October 2023

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Avdiivka will be the next Bakhmut then. Losing hundreds of armored vehicles and thousands of soldiers just for a small victory to brag about in Russia

It looks like Russia made some local advances in the last few days, and got severly punished for that. I've read a lot of positive news in these last few days. Don't ever stop, Ukraine, you're an inspiration to us all.

Thread by @Tatarigami_UA on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App

Ukraine to Continue Counteroffensive During Winter — CJCS Brown / The New Voice of Ukraine

IOC Executive Board Suspends Russian Olympic Committee with Immediate Effect

Moldova Calls Russia a ‘Security Threat’ for First Time | Financial Times

Short summary of the night (13.10.2023 01.55 Ro/UA time):

1. #Avdiivka, because everyone asks me about this sector and are scared. From the visually confirmed losses, the Russians lost in 48 hours like this (thank you AndrewPerpetua for your analysis):

- 15 x tanks (we have enough for everyone: T-90M, T-80V, T-80VM, T-72, T-72B, T-72B3M, T-62M) We were still missing T-55 and we had them all on the list since WWII.

- 30 x APC/IFV (and here we have everything: MT-LB, MT-LBT, BMP-1, BMP-2, BMP-3, BMD-2, BTR and others)

- 14 x artillery and MSLR (all for all of us here too: D-20, D-30, 2S5 Giatsint, Giatsint-B, 2S7 Pion (!!!), Msta-B, Msta-S, Grad MSLR)

- Russian human losses amount to almost 1000.

- The Russian southern attack was a total failure. From the north they advanced in some areas 200 meters or in others 300 meters.

- The losses are even higher higher than at the shameful Vuhledar - Russian Winter Offensive and even higher than the losses of last summer's laughing stunt with the crossing over Siversky Donets, when the Russians lost an entire BTG (Battalion Tactical Group), the formula used then for naming battle groups (they have since changed tactics and organization).

Personal opinion: for those who don't know where Avdiivka is, look it up on maps. It's a suburb of Donetsk, the capital of Donetsk Oblast. This town of about 32,000 inhabitants before the war, has been under constant attack since: (WARNING!) 2014! It is truly a fortress. Since 24 February it has been constantly bombed, and now (meaning at the time of writing) the town with 3,000 inhabitants in it is being bombed with phosphorus bombs.

It is absolutely incredible and almost unimaginable how the Russians put zero value on their troops, attacking totally disorganized and senselessly in an attempt to encircle the fortress town on the edge of Donetsk. The disregard for the lives of those men in every single armoured vehicle, the hundreds of infantrymen simply pulverised by Ukrainian artillery shows me that those who run the Russian Army not only don't care, but indicate to me that they have a sense of contempt for the lives of those they lead.

As I wrote in yesterday's analysis, one of the reasons for the slowdown of the Ukrainian counter-offensive in the Orihiv-Tokmak area is precisely the valuing of soldiers' lives. The Ukrainians understand better, at least that is what they have shown us for years, that life is the most important and they sacrifice the "war show" for the global audience.

2. Bakhmut:

For those who haven't heard yet, the legendary 92nd Kholodnyi Yar Brigade is back in the Bakhmut Theater of Operations. Alongside the legendary Separate Assault Brigade Azov 3. In the south, the AFU is advancing towards Opytne and into Kurdyumivka.

Personal Opinion: seeing that 93 has entered and is not rotating Assault Azov 3 indicates to me that the Russians will have a very hard time holding the southern flank. Harder and harder.

I'm also leaving a picture of a Ukrainian soldier (for those who don't know) interviewed in the trenches last year, expounding his opinion of the Russian Army in general.

Any retweet, like and comment is apreciated!

Slava Ukraini!

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 13 October 2023