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Forums - Politics Discussion - Russia and Ukraine flashpoint

The entire command of Wagner wiped out in one go.

Lukashenko: Putin Not 'Malicious and Vindictive,' Won't Kill Prigozhin

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It seems the second Prigozhin Jet turned back to Moscow. It remains to be seen who was in each of the jets. I doubt Prigozhin packed all his bosses and himself into one plane, so time will tell what remaines of the Wagner leadership.

Japanese Prime Minister Announces US$7 Billion Worth of Assistance to Ukraine | Ukrainska Pravda

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 23 August 2023

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Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 23 August 2023

What a 'surprise', regarding Prigozhin of course! It's pretty daring though if they actually shot down his plane.

RolStoppable said:

On topic: A few days ago I read an interview with a German military expert who said that the USA and Germany's goal in this war is to provide Ukraine with enough equipment to attain a better position for eventual peace talks with Russia, but not enough equipment to beat Russia on the battlefield. That rang true. While it is a naive approach in the given situation, it is what the USA and Germany have been doing. What do they hope to gain by making Russia not lose outright, I wonder.

I think it's more that Biden and Scholz are very similar types of leaders, too afraid of getting something definitive done when it's acting against the current polling data despite it being the right thing. The kind of right thing where the majority will only realize in hindsight that it was the right thing all along.

One possibility is that the leaderships in the West wants Russia to stay relatively stable, which might include keeping Putin in power. Russia clearly losing the war could result in Puting getting removed, and apparently some of his potential replacements might be more radical and willing to use violence. That's probably not a desirable outcome for the West, and destabilization of a country with nuclear weapons might not seem too appealing either. Not sure if this is actually the case, but it's probably one possibility that the leaderships in the West have to consider.