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Forums - Politics Discussion - Russia and Ukraine flashpoint

Ukrainian officials have been mostly silent about battlefield developments since they began early counteroffensive operations, though Deputy Defense Minister Hanna Maliar said troops are advancing toward the city of Melitopol in the Zaporizhizhia region.

Though that movement could be a tactical feint, and both governments have used disinformation to gain battlefield advantages, such a maneuver would be in line with what some analysts had predicted.

They envisioned a counteroffensive that would try to punch through the land corridor between Russia and the Russian-annexed Crimean peninsula, moving towards Melitopol, which is close to the coast of the Azov Sea.

Kyiv Launches a Major Push as Part of its Counteroffensive Against Russia in Ukraine | AP News

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Gen Oleksandr Tarnavskyi says his forces are struggling to overcome multi-layered minefields and fortified defensive lines.

"That is why most of the tasks have to be performed by troops."

He says Russia's military has displayed "professional qualities" by preventing Ukrainian forces from "advancing quickly".

"I don't underestimate the enemy," he adds.

Gen Tarnavskiy said his forces were doing "hard and painstaking work". He said "any defence can be broken but you need patience time and skilful actions".

Ukraine was slowly wearing down their enemy, he said. Russia didn't care about losing men, and recent changes in their military leadership "means everything is not OK", he added. He insisted that Ukraine had yet to commit its main strike force.

"Slow or not, the offensive is taking place and it will definitely reach its goal," he says.

I ask Gen Tarnavsky how we can judge whether it's a success or a failure?

He smiles and replies: "If the offensive were not successful, I wouldn't be talking to you now."

BBC News

LVIV, Ukraine — In an open test field in rural Ukraine, a drone equipped with a bomb lost connection with its human operator after coming under attack by electronic jamming equipment — but instead of crashing to the ground, the drone accelerated toward its target and destroyed it.

The drone avoided the fate of thousands of other uncrewed aircraft in this war by relying on new artificial intelligence software that accounts for the electronic interference now commonly deployed by Russia, stabilizing the drone and keeping it locked on a preselected target. AI capabilities help the drone complete its mission even if its target moves, representing a significant upgrade from existing drones that track specific coordinates.

War in Ukraine Spurs Revolution in Drone Warfare Using AI - The Washington Post

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 27 July 2023

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Latest Kings & Generals video about the War in Ukraine, covering all the developments during the first half of July:

Ryuu96 said:

Lol, second army "corpse"

Funny but fitting typo