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Forums - Politics Discussion - Russia and Ukraine flashpoint

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Is Putin afraid of f*cking Girkin of all people gaining traction in opposition to his reigme? Girkin has been trashing Putin for years now, all of a sudden he is arrested after Prigozhin's failed coup. Hope he rots in a gulag, one less war criminal scumbag to survive after Putin's regime collapses. The Hague would have been better though...Those people deserved their justice.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 21 July 2023

I think a fair response of Poland to Putin would be to remind him of how Kaliningrad has a nice port and would fit very well in Poland's future strategy to build a massive military power. It's just a blink of an eye and Kaliningrad is part of Poland...

Few days ago, haha.

Ironically Girkin was the most honest Russian in this war and his battlefield assessments were pretty spot on.

Still a war criminal though so I hope he suffers, now who will rant about Putin next 🤔

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 21 July 2023

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250K by the end of the month?

Also, Russia does not seem to have an effective response to protect its artillery systems since Ukraine started upping its game in targeting them.

Russia has an ample supply of artillery though, some estimates put them in the 20k, My guess is Ukraine is testing how effectively Russia can replace destroyed artillery and the impacts that targeting the Russian logistic choke point (e.g. kerch bridge) can have on this, especially in the south.

EpicRandy said:

Also, Russia does not seem to have an effective response to protect its artillery systems since Ukraine started upping its game in targeting them.

Russia has an ample supply of artillery though, some estimates put them in the 20k, My guess is Ukraine is testing how effectively Russia can replace destroyed artillery and the impacts that targeting the Russian logistic choke point (e.g. kerch bridge) can have on this, especially in the south.

Quite a few Russian soldiers are saying that Ukraine's counter battery is far superior hence a ton of Russian artillery is being picked off.

It's basically a battle now between the West's superior technology vs Russian's endless supply...Although losing operators is a consideration to take as well, not anyone can just fire artillery effectively, plus like you said, replacing the destroyed artillery, Ukraine needs to destroy logistical routes and they won't have to destroy all of Russia's artillery.

The Angry Arrested Patriots Club.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 21 July 2023

Girkin detained until September 18th, Lol.

He tried to get on house arrest by claiming he had a heart condition but was rejected.

Girkin is unlucky he didn't have an army backing him, then that coward Putin would have given him a vacation to another country instead.

Ryuu96 said:
EpicRandy said:

Also, Russia does not seem to have an effective response to protect its artillery systems since Ukraine started upping its game in targeting them.

Russia has an ample supply of artillery though, some estimates put them in the 20k, My guess is Ukraine is testing how effectively Russia can replace destroyed artillery and the impacts that targeting the Russian logistic choke point (e.g. kerch bridge) can have on this, especially in the south.

Quite a few Russian soldiers are saying that Ukraine's counter battery is far superior hence a ton of Russian artillery is being picked off.

It's basically a battle now between the West's superior technology vs Russian's endless supply...Although losing operators is a consideration to take as well, not anyone can just fire artillery effectively, plus like you said, replacing the destroyed artillery, Ukraine needs to destroy logistical routes and they won't have to destroy all of Russia's artillery.

I think losing too many artillery systems won't be Russia's problem. They have just so much of it and obviously also didn't stop producing new military equipment since the war started. Russia will also throw billions in the production of new ones. But hitting the operators will be a problem sometime. You have to train them and you can't learn battle experience, that also takes a lot of time and many will be already dead again before they gained that experience. 

Last edited by crissindahouse - on 21 July 2023