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Forums - Politics Discussion - Russia and Ukraine flashpoint

Yes. Take away the heavy equipment of your best (and only capable) assault force and give it to the mobiks and useless Russian commanders.

"The killers stopped killing, so we don't need to arrest them anymore" - Russia.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 27 June 2023

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When can we kick Hungary out of NATO/EU?

Hungary is just a one big mystery. Considering how the USSR would have treated them, you would think they be more inline with Poland's views on Russia.

Seems like too many old blokes who just can't let go of the past where they benefit and the people suffered.



Well done Prigozhin.

Around the Network

Peskov was right about Putin's speech, although it's doubtful that he meant it in the way it played out. Russia's fate is now more or less the confirmation for the stage of world politics that Russia is a lot of bark with not much bite, not the intimidating military superpower that knows no mercy and will stop at nothing.

Legend11 correctly predicted that GTA IV will outsell Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I was wrong.

30 More Bradleys.

Darth Putin the master strategist. This reminded me of something I had intended to post for a while.

One of the most delicious ironies of this war is that Putin's troll farms have acted with the intent to break up the EU in the past. They even succeeded in the UK where the misinformation tipped the scale slightly in favor of the Brexit. But in many ways, the UK's newfound independence contributes to breaking Russia's neck in this war.

While Russia's revisionist history states that the Soviet Union was the only country that was truly fighting against fascism and the nazis - bolstered by Stalin's lie that the West may have given asylum to Hitler, knowing full well that the Soviets had obtained Hitler's corpse - there's some legit pride in the UK's own history. They were the last bastion of Europe who fought off the nazis which ultimately allowed the D-Day to happen in 1944. I think this history plays a part in the UK playing the leading role in weapon support for Ukraine, because once again the UK can take the center stage in the battle against fascism. I am not talking about the volume and value of weapon packages, but the types of weapons that get provided. The UK is giving the decisive pushes.

Would this same thing have happened, if the UK hadn't been freed from the EU where Germany and France dictate the direction? I very much doubt it. What Putin didn't expect is that splitting up the EU did not result in an abandonment of the same values.

The moral of the story: I can't let an opportunity slide to say how much Germany sucks and drags down the EU. France too. What a bunch of wusses. At least Austria is upfront with its support for fascism and doesn't beat around the bush.

Legend11 correctly predicted that GTA IV will outsell Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I was wrong.