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Forums - Politics Discussion - Russia and Ukraine flashpoint

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Think it's a pretty cool observation the amount of younger people leading aspects of Ukraine's military/industry.

Probably trying to purge the country of the older soviet thinking.

Makes me wish I could go back in time and kill Putin's parents before he was ever conceived.

crissindahouse said:

It really shows what was revealed some time ago about Putin's KGB history. That he wasn't some crazy important agent but more like Moneypenny. He's ice cold if it comes to how to handle his opponents but also a little chicken if something could happen to him.

Or as Mickey said to Rocky, the worst thing happened to you that could happen to any fighter, you got civilised. 

Guess the money, the jets, the flash houses and cars made him soft and worry about loosing them.



Ryuu96 said:

His big announcement after being couped against was to thank Wagnerites for being Patriots

To be fair trying to kill the man that's ruining your country is pretty patriotic...

Invaders Redeploying Military Equipment From Left-Bank Kherson Region to Crimea