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Forums - Politics Discussion - Russia and Ukraine flashpoint

crissindahouse said:

It really shows what was revealed some time ago about Putin's KGB history. That he wasn't some crazy important agent but more like Moneypenny. He's ice cold if it comes to how to handle his opponents but also a little chicken if something could happen to him.

He also seems say Ukraine was involved somehow and calls the revolt "revenge for their failed counteroffensive"

The traitorous Wagner soldiers in league with Kyiv are now being welcomed into the Russian MoD with open arms, after they killed our soldiers and tried to coup against me, or hey, if they don't want to join the MoD then they can go set up shop in Belarus! We'll get Prigozhin, don't you worry, just as soon as I can find him, because I let him go in the first place, 

Seriously who writes this shit? Who the actual fuck could think this speech was a good idea? Putin looks weaker than ever, this is such a fucking pathetic display, I've never laughed this much at a dictator before.

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This is where Putin is at right now.

NGL, I was hoping a little that he'd fire Shoigu, simply due to the fact it would make him look even weaker than the pathetic corncob he looks right now, it would have been a total and utter capitulation to Prigozhin for him to have fired his most loyal officer ever simply because Prigozhin scared him and even though Shoigu is absolute trash at his job, any sane military would have dumped Shoigu months ago and Putin wouldn't be able to spin that he dumped him because he was trash at his job rather than dumped him because Prigozhin scared him.

Oh well, I'm assuming the other 3 are the fall guys and Putin will go back to business as usual, aka losing.

Any Western country that is still afraid of escalating with Putin is an idiot.

Why were we ever afraid of this man? Prigozhin has just annihilated his "strong-man" image, but did he really need to? After so many "red lines" were cross? Supporting Ukraine was a red line, the sanctions were a red line, the anti ship missiles were a red line, the MBTs were a red line, the long range missiles were a red line, the jets are a red line.

  • What did he do when we broke all these red lines? Nothing.
  • What did he do when Russian volunteers entered with American IFVs? Nothing.
  • What did he do when a merc faction couped against him? Barely anything.

Absolutely no reason anymore why anyone should hold back on their support to Ukraine, the Kremlin/Putin have shown they have nothing left, they have no further "escalation" left, they have no response left.

The sooner Russia loses, the better, take the kiddy gloves off and send Ukraine whatever they ask for.

Ryuu96 said:

"Everyone United"


Just do to him what happened to Saddam Hussein already. -_-

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Z-Crowd Nazis Seething.

Look at this cope.

Thank you guys for letting Wagner stroll straight towards Moscow with ease.