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Forums - Politics Discussion - Russia and Ukraine flashpoint

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Every Russian troop killed is a sigh of relief for common decency.

Good to see HIMARS back in the spotlight lately.

It's funny to see Russians surprised by Ukraine switching HIMARS from destroying command outposts to using it to just bombard trenches. Hope America keeps Ukraine well supplied with ammo to flatten these troop positions, Storm Shadow meanwhile has sort of taken over the role of taking out command outposts.


Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 10 June 2023

Ryuu96 said:

Good to see HIMARS back in the spotlight lately.

It's funny to see Russians surprised by Ukraine switching HIMARS from destroying command outposts to using it to just bombard trenches. Hope America keeps Ukraine well supplied with ammo to flatten these troop positions, Storm Shadow meanwhile has sort of taken over the role of taking out command outposts.


And Apache choppers. Lots of them.

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In regards to losses, lets look at it from an overall perspective.


Losses from June 3-8th:

Russia: 56
Ukraine: 53

Losses from June 8-10th:

Russia: 32
Ukraine: 30


Considering the counteroffensive has begun and Ukraine is in mostly an operational blackout, Russia has desperately spammed Ukrainian losses to the point of repeating the same image but in different angles and Ukraine's Western equipment offers high survivability which means it can be reclaimed and repaired (as is the case already with a Leopard II and few Bradleys, The Iris-T has also been changed now from Destroyed to Damaged) and on top of all of that, the defender is meant to have an advantage!

An essentially 1:1 loss ratio for the attacker is brilliant, especially for one with little air support.

Chernov makes the point with recourse to the backstory behind a brother and sister he films in a hospital corridor, each grieving the loss of a child.

"I filmed those children – four little feet on the gurney - but couldn't use that. The brother and sister buried their children in a yard, escaped, but then managed to go back ready to give them a proper burial. But the Russians had dug them up and put them with others. So they went through hundreds of decomposing bodies to find their own children, which they did, to bury them properly in the cemetery, just days before the rest were put into a mass grave."

The atrocity against Mariupol is probably – so far – the most egregious war crime on European soil since the second world war. There are an estimated 25,000 dead in Mariupol, "though the total is probably treble that," says Chernov.

‘War criminals: whatever you do, we’ll record it’: the ‘merciless’ Ukrainian film about Mariupol | Ukraine | The Guardian