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Forums - Politics Discussion - Russia and Ukraine flashpoint


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During his visit to Ukraine Trudeau announced that Canada is allocating a new military aid package worth $500m. It will include 10,000 artillery shells, 287 additional missiles and 76 Roshel Senator armoured vehicles.

Canada will also hand over to Ukraine a confiscated Russian An-124 Ruslan aircraft. It landed at Toronto airport in the spring of 2022 and was immediately detained. "Today, thanks to legislation passed, we are confiscating this aircraft, which was owned by Russia, and starting the process of transferring it to Ukraine so that it is no longer used by Russia," the Canadian prime minister said.

In addition, Canada will join the number of countries that will train Ukrainian pilots on F-16 fighter jets.

It's crazy to think that this water reservoir had 4x the size of Germany's biggest lake. It didn't have as much water because it's not as deep but yeah, just crazy how important this reservoir has to be for like half the country with all the branches which will dry as well

Ukraine will 100% need a united Western Marshall Plan after this with the untold amount of destruction that Russia has caused. Not just rebuilding entire cities now, demining the entire country, but reversing dozens of years worth of environmental destruction and Ukraine will have no way of paying for it themselves, especially with how much their crops are going to be destroyed.

Even more reason why we need to change the laws, seize any Russian assets in the West and Russian Oligarchs. Give what is useful to Ukraine (I.E. Canada with the An-124) and sell everything else and give Ukraine all of the money, Russia should pay for it one way or another. About $300 billion of the Russian central bank’s assets are frozen in G7 countries.

We'd be fucking stupid if we don't use these assets and pay for it all ourselves, let Russia off the hook.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 10 June 2023

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"The night is dark and full of terrors"

For the third night in a row: Russian chatter is about resumed offensive operations by the Ukrainians, during the night, in the Zaporizhzhia area.

Some important remarks:

- Almost all footage is spread by Russian sources, so focused on Ukrainian losses, of course.
Most losses were already a few days old and/or some were known losses shown from another perspective.
The losses also sometimes show that the Ukrainians are further South than expected.
Where you see one vehicle, there were more that were not affected...

- Today, Ukraine released some footage from both southern directions:
In the last 3 days, Ukraine managed to destroy 2x TOS-1A, one in Velyka Novosilka Axis and one in Bakhmut Axis. This was unseen previously during this war.
This helps us determine that Ukrainians are tight on OPSEC, but the little footage they released shows that more is going on.

- The amount of destroyed vehicles:
Ukraine has received thousands of vehicles, one thousand+ vehicles for the new brigades, "The Nine", alone.
This is conventional warfare against a layered defense. Ukraine will lose a lot of vehicles. That is part of an offensive. The numbers the Russians show are nothing compared to the amount Ukraine has for this offensive.
But what is more important: people. The soldiers. Most destroyed vehicles seem to be destroyed by mines. You see that the hatches are open, no blood, almost no bodies. So the vehicles did what they are intended to do: protect the soldiers inside. Vehicles can be replaced, humans cannot.
And the hard truth is maybe difficult to accept: loss of human lives are foreseen and expected during an offensive.

The Russian side is spreading footage of destroyed Ukrainian vehicles, while the Ukrainian side keeps a tight OPSEC and continues working behind the scenes.
Experts in conventional warfare are rare today and it has been decades since we have seen a war of this magnitude. So, keep this in mind as you closely monitor this war.

Stay Calm and Wait for GeoConfirmations!

Ryuu96 said:

Video makes things look a little better despite the losses.

I don't see any artillery, I guess they ran into a minefield, so I'm assuming they were probing and trying to find a path, the lead vehicle got disabled by a mine and thus they retreated.

The 2nd Bradley to be hit by a mine, fuck me, it disabled it but the crew came out completely unharmed. Nice covering fire from the Bradley with the camera too, clearly there was something else in the distance.

All in all, the losses are unfortunate but it looked like a professional, orderly and calm retreat, a nice use of covering fire, a nice use of smokes, looks like mostly everyone got out unharmed and will live to fight another day.

Need to do something about those minefields...But they're everywhere...

I was listening to an American journalist who's living in Ukraine on a recent David Pakman podcast, who said that it's estimated to take several decades to clear the mines planted by Russia. Seriously sad/infuriating. 

Biggerboat1 said:

Ryuu96 said:


I was listening to an American journalist who's living in Ukraine on a recent David Pakman podcast, who said that it's estimated to take several decades to clear the mines planted by Russia. Seriously sad/infuriating. 

Yup. I've read the same. It fucking sucks. Sadly I wouldn't be surprised if we hear multiple times even after the war is over of civilians accidentally tripping mines and being killed by them, they're literally everywhere, Ukraine won't be able to find them all.

Probably will complicate any post-war support and now even simply being a farmer becomes a life-threatening job.