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Forums - Politics Discussion - Russia and Ukraine flashpoint

Geolocate and HIMARS.

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Amazing how fast they're rebuilding.

While Russia is pulling out the ancient T-62's and T-72's, Ukraine is nicking their T-90A's.

Ryuu96 said:

The gall they have for such an accusation while they didn't respect another country's territorial integrity and invaded it outright...

Bofferbrauer2 said:
Ryuu96 said:

The gall they have for such an accusation while they didn't respect another country's territorial integrity and invaded it outright...

Projecting and lying is pretty much their whole playbook. 

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second drone strike in Kyiv in a week

If Russia didn't have Iran and Belarus...So fucking frustrating that Ukraine has two large enemies on its border, and one is just being used to launch drone attacks because they know they'd be wiped out if they entered with their pathetic army.

Maximum sanctions for Iran.

Ryuu96 said:

If Russia didn't have Iran and Belarus...So fucking frustrating that Ukraine has two large enemies on its border, and one is just being used to launch drone attacks because they know they'd be wiped out if they entered with their pathetic army.

Yeah it would be a blunder for sure but Ukraine still fear a new frontline in the north as this would split their resources and hold any progress in the south and east. I'd like if they could answer tit for tat onto some military target in Belarus, but that have the possibility to sway Belarusians sentiment to this whole situation which, being quite favorable to Ukraine. is the only thing holding back Lukashenko from invading. Plus their military assets are more than likely outside of Ukraine reach.

The best would be if Lukashenko can get is ass kick Yanukovych still which is more likely to happen by the day as Russia is losing grip on the situation and push more and more Belarusians to do something they don't want. 

Ryuu96 said:

Maximum sanctions for Iran.

Looks like Ukraine success rate in downing drones in massive drones strike around Kyiv have gone from about 50% all the way up to 70%+ in a week or so. Pretty impressive.