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Forums - Politics Discussion - Russia and Ukraine flashpoint

Cobretti2 said:

Trump hasn't got a low IQ, he has a low EQ and is a narcissist. He knows very well what he is doing and saying and is trying to provoke things to suit his own agenda of trying to profit from every interaction. All he cares about is saying he stopped the war at any cost so his ego isn't looked down upon as he said he would stop the war, and that cost is Ukraine

He definitely has a low EQ but I'm not sure if I ever saw anything from him which sounded clever. He's a huge narcissist and that's what helps him to be relevant because humanity tends to let narcissists succeed much easier in life but otherwise? 

That guy is a billionaire but let's be honest: considering what he inherited from his father and how easy it is to make more money with a big amount you already have, he probably even failed in this. I mean, you can pay the best teams to avoid any taxes, you can invest your money with the best conditions and Trump still didn't manage to achieve more financially as anyone else without a clue and help would have managed. And without his narcissist character not to care about anything morally he would've achieved shit. 

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A couple of weeks ago I'd have said there's a zero percent chance that the UK would rejoin the EU, but maybe that's now risen to ten percent...maybe?

Starmer's government have struggled to establish a strong narrative since they came in, 'Bre-turning' would certainly solve that problem (and also restore 5%to our GDP). I have a feeling he won't have the stones for that though...

A silver lining to trump's twattery is that it seems to be uniting a lot of factions that were previously fracturing.

It can only be a good thing that a growing number of non-american MAGA sympathisers have woken to the fact that they're not invited to the party.

Biggerboat1 said:

A couple of weeks ago I'd have said there's a zero percent chance that the UK would rejoin the EU, but maybe that's now risen to ten percent...maybe?

Starmer's government have struggled to establish a strong narrative since they came in, 'Bre-turning' would certainly solve that problem (and also restore 5%to our GDP). I have a feeling he won't have the stones for that though...

A silver lining to trump's twattery is that it seems to be uniting a lot of factions that were previously fracturing.

It can only be a good thing that a growing number of non-american MAGA sympathisers have woken to the fact that they're not invited to the party.

I can't see Starmer ever proposing re-joining the EU...He is very much more along the lines of "We voted for it, time to move on" and he is probably a bit worried about there still being a large portion of anti-EU and reversing course so soon after a public vote, I don't think he has the stones for it, I believe Lib Dems should make their big pitch for the next election to re-join the EU, it may not cause them to win but damn I would love for Lib Dems under Ed Davey to be the opposition party instead of Tories and Lib Dems can sort of fill a gap now.

I have to give Starmer credit though, I think he has done a brilliant job at rallying Europe and looking like a leader of Europe, I feel like UK-EU relations are the best they have been in over 10 years, Lol. I think Starmer is going to balance the act of being a good partner to EU without actually re-joining EU. UK is using its military influence and standing to come back into the fold. The only thing I'd say is that I'm annoyed by how much he tries with Trump and refuses to criticise him because he's trying to avoid Trump tariffs which I think is futile, I do believe that it would only help his polling if Trump started attacking us next and bring us closer to European unity, Lol.