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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Happi 2Wentea5th Birthday Resident Evil!

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Best Mainline Resident Evil game of all time?

Resident Evil 1 (psone) 1 12.50%
RE2 (psone) 3 37.50%
RE3: Nemesis (psone) 1 12.50%
RE4 (ps2/3/4) 3 37.50%
RE5 (ps3/4) 0 0%
RE6 (ps3/4) 0 0%
RE7: Biohazard (ps4/ps5) 0 0%
RE2 Remake (ps4/ps5) 0 0%
RE3 Remake (ps4/ps5) 0 0%
RE: Code Veronica (ps2) 0 0%
TheTitaniumNub said:
LivncA_Dis3 said:

I think the maximum for the poll is 10 so I couldn't fit revelations 1/2,

And totally forgot about zero haha which I haven't played coz I'm scared HAHAHA

Oh, what?? You should play 0 at least once! It's pretty mixed amongst the fans, some people love it, some hate it. I'm one of the ones who love it. Hell, I adore it, like I said my favorite RE game. Billy and Rebecca are great! 

I will play it,

It's installed on my ps4 as u can see on my screenshot haha,

I'll even full gameplay stream it...

Fixed camera re scares me haha I started on re4,

Just watched my sister play re1 and re3 on ps one!

Re1 remake scared me but luckily I finished it haha

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Biohazard was weirder though haha,

I was a kid back then so Resi evil was quite skeptical and confusing too but who the hell knows biohazard when you 8 years old hahaha

I remember the first RE on the PS1. Those pixelated zombies scared the crap outta me back then lol but I loved it. Its a videogame series thats quite consistent (6 be damned) and I enjoy to this day. But yeah, excited for the next chapter and can't wait to play RE: Village (8).

The original is my choice. Played the Director's Cut around 97/98, before RE2 came out. It was such an incredible experience. The story, the atmosphere, the music (one of my favourite soundtracks), the sense of discovery as you slowly unravelled the mysteries of the mansion... I wish I could relive it all over again.

Re1 was amazing,

Unraveling secrets within the mansion and what horrors await from every corner,

But re1remake was outstanding!

Fixed camera is frightening as hell...

Specially adding Lisa and crimson heads seriously SHINJI MIKAMI?! Hahaha!

I wasn't a day1 fan of re watched my sister play re3 nemesis and watching was scary too back then...

Playing fixed camera is spine tingling until now Im scared to play rezero...

Luckily I finished re1 remake and re deadly silence on ds!