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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Sequels to dead MS IPs you wish to see on SX

MS has now been on consoles 19 years and owns a few IPs at this point. A good number of them dormant. Which would you like to see make a return? Yes, those from newly acquired studios do count.

I'd love to see Captain Skyhawk. Wizards and Warriors. Jet Force Gemini return from Rare.

Aside from that. I'd love to see a Lost Odyssey 2 but even more so a true Blue Dragon sequel. I have the DS  games but meh. Doesn't satisfy me. Tho I guess with a Switch port of DQXI that probably kills what little if any chance it had. Blue Dragon is a very underrated game IMO. Can't forget that Nobuo Uematsu score either. If you even have remote interest in DQ or something similar and BD is BC on XBO then give it a shot.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

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PC Specs: CPU: 7800X3D || GPU: Strix 4090 || RAM: 32GB DDR5 6000 || Main SSD: WD 2TB SN850

Black and White.
Perfect Dark.
Banjo Kazooie.
Killer Instinct.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

Leynos said:

MS has now been on consoles 19 years and owns a few IPs at this point. A good number of them dormant. Which would you like to see make a return? Yes, those from newly acquired studios do count.

I'd love to see Captain Skyhawk. Wizards and Warriors. Jet Force Gemini return from Rare.

Aside from that. I'd love to see a Lost Odyssey 2 but even more so a true Blue Dragon sequel. I have the DS  games but meh. Doesn't satisfy me. Tho I guess with a Switch port of DQXI that probably kills what little if any chance it had. Blue Dragon is a very underrated game IMO. Can't forget that Nobuo Uematsu score either. If you even have remote interest in DQ or something similar and BD is BC on XBO then give it a shot.

Funny that we disagree on the Zelda thread/games, but I agree with everything you put here. Wizards and Warriors was my first thought reading the title of the thread, love that series.

shikamaru317 said:
  • Perfect Dark
  • Crimson Skies
  • Lost Odyssey
  • Conker

Not sure if you can call these dead yet since they all got a release earlier this gen, but I also want to see sequels for:

  • Killer Instinct
  • ReCore
  • Ryse
  • Quantum Break
  • Crackdown 3
  • D4
  • Crimson Dragon

Sad to say but D4 is dead. once Swery left Access Games he announced D4 is done.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

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Captain_Yuri said:

Haha I remember this.. Peter Molyneux was the ultimate snake oil salesman back then. Its such a shame after he gave us classics like Black and White and Fable.

But to answer OP - Age of Mythology, Lost Odyssey and Perfect Dark.

Quantum Break. Don't really care if nothing else is brought back.


If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

Lost Oddysey and Blue Dragon are the only things i miss.

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