xl-klaudkil said: I remembered people thought the wii could beat the ps2 because of its monster sales.
Lets just wait and see if the switch can keep selling as high as its doing now for another 3 years. |
This. People are constantly overestimating Nintendo's legs for their consoles, while underestimating Sony's. I also remember the people who said the PS4 was never going to beat the Wii, even though 2 out of 3 of Sony's previous systems did. And the one that didn't came in a pretty close 2nd in that same gen with the Wii, 101.6M vs 87.4M. And that was the gen they utterly screwed up. Then, we had it won't hit 110M, which it will by the end of this quarter. And now, it's "it won't hit 120M," even though it is a mere 12M away from that number, now.
Now, I can definitely see Switch hitting 100M, give or take 10M. But, it's not going to hit 125M, like the PS4 will most likely do. I mean, the PS4 looks to be on track to sell 120M even without a price cut. Give it one or two more, I can definitely see it hitting 125M-130M.
I would just like to know what is going to keep the Switch selling ~20M every year for the next 4 years to get it to that number. By 2021, all of Nintendo's big hitters will be out. It will be receiving fewer AA and AAA ports thanks to those teams focusing on the newer systems. Speaking of which, the novelty of being the new toy on the block will have completely worn off, as well. And it will have already had a $199 SKU for over a year, pushing sales for those not willing to pay $299, so a price cut will have less of an impact by then than it would for the PS4.