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Damn like Trunks said, I'd be down if it was like Viva Pinata, but on a deeper level.">"><img src="

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trunkswd said:
Ryuu96 said:

I'm thinking Viva Pinata x Minecraft.

Here's what the Xbox Wire post says: Play as an Eternal as you explore and build bonds with the world around you.

Take Viva Pinata, expand it from a simple garden to an entire island, you're playing as an Eternal which is essentially a divine being I assume, which can influence and control the environment around them, it's up to you to grow and nurture the island, along with looking after all the wildlife inside of it - Beyond that I'm not sure what else but where the Minecraft part comes in is, I suspect you'll be able to invite other players to your world and they'll be able to help you.

That is what I am thinking it will end up being by the time it comes out. But who knows. It could change by the time it launches. 

As long as it has this kind of scope and creativity, while effectively conveying those same feelings from the trailers. Man, I can see a show-stealer at the next E3, but I don't wanna get too excited until we know more about gameplay...

That idea for Everwild sounds very cool. Would def cop that.">"><img src="

trunkswd said:
Ryuu96 said:

4 player split-screen! Talk about a jump up from Halo 5.

lol. Sorry to burst your bubble, but he had to correct himself in the comments:

"CLARIFICATION - Literally as I was writing the description for this video, 343 confirmed that Infinite only supports 2 player splitscreen, not 4 player as I said in the video, but 4 player online co-op is still a thing. Make from that what you will and enjoy the video! <3"

Honestly though, who would want 4 player split screen? It'd be difficult to run, and would look shit on my tv at least. Now if they were to offer some lan support...

Im sold on the fact that demo was an older build in which the important things were great, sound and weapon effects, would building comes second

Gameplay>singleplayer world
I bet 10000$ vgb the multiplayer levels will be amazing

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Ryuu96 said:

They seriously relegated Everwild to the small disappointments section. Come on guys, it deserved it's own decent bit of discussion. Maybe it needs gameplay more than others but it was still a great trailer.

Wow, I'm not talking strictly VGC.. but well yeah. It is a rough being an Xbox fan right now
Overall I feel like they got some work to do, but god damn the amount of concern trolling and just flat out shit I'm seeing across the web. Legit criticism ok, but hopefully they respond to that in a positive way in August.">"><img src="

Shaunodon said:
Ryuu96 said:

They seriously relegated Everwild to the small disappointments section. Come on guys, it deserved it's own decent bit of discussion. Maybe it needs gameplay more than others but it was still a great trailer.

Thats one of the games that really needed to show some gameplay, next to Warhammer and Avowed for me.

I wonder if in August we will get any studio acquisition news? WB I still think is gonna be fake news, but who knows. Wish we got a Japanese studio, #FuckGoat.">"><img src="

Also slightly off topic, but since Forza Horizon is my fave MS IP, it makes me think. When do you think we'll see an announcement to the Horizon series? They clearly fully into Fable right now, but they are efficient with getting out Horizon. Might help bring in some funds as well. Wouldn't mind a Horizon 5 trailer at E3 next year and even an August or September release, but I feel like it might be too soon. Wonder if PG has two teams to work on Fable/Horizon. Clearly they're not going to abandon Horizon.">"><img src="