So that Square Enix game is time exclusive to Console.
So that Square Enix game is time exclusive to Console.
Ryuu96 said:
Meaning that we will be able to play these games on the Series X on XB1X mode and then receive a free smart delivery upgrade lol.
I saw some people saying that Batman was going to be shown at the Sony Event.
Ryuu96 said:
I liked Deathloop quite a lot, but it's hardly a system mover. Both of them being on PC makes it almost a non-factor.
EspadaGrim said: So that Square Enix game is time exclusive to Console. |
Looked like a typical early Squeenix reveal too, meaning not worth talking about.
I assume Resident Evil 8 isn't timed exclusive or anything? Arguably the best looking game there. Though I personally loved every second of Ratchet & Clank.
Most pressing concern for me is that I want Hitman 3 on current gen with smart delivery etc.
As far as form factor, I'd be worried standing up the PS5 with the earthquakes/aftershocks we get here. Even laying it down looks like it'll be awkward. Really need to see it in a shelf.
Just looking at some pictures, I only just noticed it requires the circle stand even laying on it's side? What kind of console design is this lol!? Just looks so weird and awkward. Feels like I'd have a nightmare finding a spot for this.
For reference:
So, PS5 event was kinda meh. I've personally didn't expect it to be that bad as it turned out to be. Now it's time for MS to step up and go all out in July. The bad surprise is of course digital version of PS5. I expect it to be the way how Sony hits 399$ mark. And considering the brand power of PS this thing will definitely sell a ton. MS needs to think about the way how they can achieve 399$ for Series X as well.
Wow that Greenberg Tweet lol, dude is going to rile up some fans with that. He def knows what he is doing.
shikamaru317 said:
Jesus how are people this fast lol
shikamaru317 said:
MS should go all out in July I think. Show 1st/2nd party games ranging from launch window all the way to 2022. Show 3rd party games from the launch window all the way to Holiday 2021. Go ahead and show Lockhart at the July event. But they should wait on console pricing until Sony announces first; since there are no rumors of a discless XSX, XSX needs to price match the discless PS5, or else they are really going to be hurting their sales. Launch line-up wise, it's looking like: PS5
Xbox Series
If Sony had anything else for launch, they would have announced it today I think, not saved it for August. |
Xbox also has Yakuza 7 which is not confirmed for PS5