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Forums - Sales Discussion - Yesterday was Wii Fit day in the VG Chartz store

depens on the supply but >600k for sure

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Huge and Huge.

But it all depends on supply of Wii fit.

But 1 million between both areas isn't unreasonable.

Why do we need retailer data anymore? We have the VGC store : ).

psn- tokila

add me, the more the merrier.

I think NA sales could be great but I have doubts about Europe for some reason. First week in NA shoould be around 1 million, first week in Eu/Others I'm thinking roughly half of that and decent legs.
In Europe, I think price and concept will be deciding factors, neither of which make for a very Europe friendly tag imo.
I know that Eyetoy for instance did best in Eu regions, but the sales were never that great, especially considering the PS2's definate advantage over the Wii in install base at the time of launch.
So, NA numbers is probably what will shame my prediction but Eu/Others numbers not so much (I still think Wii Fit will be hard pressed to climb very high over 7 million, 9 million lifetime tops is my bet).

tokilamockingbrd said:
Why do we need retailer data anymore? We have the VGC store : ).

"I am sure we only represent something like 0.001% of all sales nationwide"

Why hasn't ioi thought of just multiplying the store value by 100000? We would have 100% accurate tracking then. It's so simple I don't see why no one has suggested it before now...



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I'm not thinking a massive launch. Maybe a bit higher then Japan. Wii fit will have legs. Thats where its strength will come from. Its going to be a consistent selling in all regions for a very long time.

week 1 sales = supply.. in fact .. day 1 sales = supply

The answer to week 1 is simple.... how many can Nintendo make for week 1?

I rarely pre-order, as big titles often have specials from some store that you don't know about until a few days before launch. However, I did make an exception and preordered wii-fit simply because it is part hardware and it is likely to be a sell out. It shouldn't be as hard to make as the wii itself, so it should only be hard to get for a few months, but just easier to proder and not worry about it. If software sells out, rarely does it take more than a couple of weeks for supply to catch up with demand.

Funny, Amazon get's trashed on this site all the time and as it turns out: VGchartz has an agreement with them.

PSN name: Gazz1979 (feel free to add me, but please put your Vgchartz name in the message!)

Battlefield 2: Gazz1979


I think week 1 for both Europe and North America will be completely supply constrained, so Nintendo will sell what they ship. I have no idea about the numbers though.