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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 announced exclusively for Switch (developed by Team Ninja)

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BasilZero said:
This is a oddball of an announcement.

Team Ninja making it out of all people!?

Published by Nintendo even though Activision had rights to the first two.

And exclusive (probably 1 year and Activision will release it elsewhere cause I think they still hold rights to the IP).

Who knows, maybe in a few years from its release, I'll get it cheap lol.

Activision was not shown in any form in the trailer, in fact I think they no longer have any Marvel license which would prevent them from being inovled with this game. 

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for those speculating yes Activision no longer has the license the first 2 games were delisted from online stores earlier this year

I have a feeling this is pretty simliar to how Sony got an exclusive Spider-Man game.

Basically how that came about was that Marvel approach Sony on making a Marvel game for the PS4, Sony agreed and ask Insomniac to make it for them and Marvel and Sony let Insomniac picked the character they game would of based on.

Would not be shock if it turns that Marvel asked Nintendo to make a Marvel and Nintendo agree and got Team Ninja with Team Ninja being the one's that decided it would be a new Ultimate Alliance.

Based on the way the graphics look it definitely seems like the switch was the main focus. I really don't expect this game to come out for other platforms, maybe it'll come out for PC  or a water-downed version on mobile.

I'm definitely interested in this. This game style just looks so perfect for the Switch.

Edit: The only crappy thing is that its published by you know that price wont drop ever loll xD

Last edited by V-r0cK - on 07 December 2018

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Mr Puggsly said:
PwerlvlAmy said:

at the least, it will be a few years exclusive

Maybe a year, doesent Activision own the Ultimate Alliance IP?

They gave Sony about a year with Crash.

If they are funding the game, you might have another Bayonetta 2 and 3 situation (where the contract leaves it up to Nintendo for the specific game in question).


If this is the case, you would have to wait till ultimate alliance 4.

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I've played those Xmen style games on the gamecube, and those were fun. I figure this will be like those games?



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Cloudman said:
I've played those Xmen style games on the gamecube, and those were fun. I figure this will be like those games?

The first two Marvel Ultimate Alliance's were made the same developer as those two X-Men games and were basically sequels that featured the much wider Marvel universe. 

Shiken said:
Mr Puggsly said:

Maybe a year, doesent Activision own the Ultimate Alliance IP?

They gave Sony about a year with Crash.

If they are funding the game, you might have another Bayonetta 2 and 3 situation (where the contract leaves it up to Nintendo for the specific game in question).


If this is the case, you would have to wait till ultimate alliance 4.

Bayonetta 2 is a different story because thats an IP that Sega probably didnt want to bother funding.

Marvel IPs are significantly more relevant.

I think its a bit odd of Activision isnt somehow apart of this given theyre using that title.

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Mr Puggsly said:
Shiken said:

If they are funding the game, you might have another Bayonetta 2 and 3 situation (where the contract leaves it up to Nintendo for the specific game in question).


If this is the case, you would have to wait till ultimate alliance 4.

Bayonetta 2 is a different story because thats an IP that Sega probably didnt want to bother funding.

Marvel IPs are significantly more relevant.

I think its a bit odd of Activision isnt somehow apart of this given theyre using that title.

Activision no longer has the Marvel license, that is why.