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Forums - Sales Discussion - Amazon U.S. October 2018 bestsellers and general Amazon-based discussion

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The joy cons seem to all be doing very well on the charts now.

Around the Network
Marth said:

Biggest Winner: Kingdom Hearts III - PlayStation 4 Deluxe Edition (+44)

Where did that KH3 boost come from?

Nomura keikaku.

Anyway, KH3 deluxe is at 38. :)

HOLY SHIT! KH: The Story So Far is #4. KH3 deluxe is at 49. KH3 is at 96.

Whats up with the hardware? Doing bad across the board.

Super Mario Party

   CA FR   DE IT  JP  MX  ES   UK  US
05/10  2  -  12  8  2  1  3  6  2
04/10  2  207  12  2  1  4  6  1
03/10  1 -  137  10  2  1  5  6  1
02/10  1  63  13  2  1  5  8  1
01/10  1  28  19  2  1  5  9  1

CA, US  

JP, MX =


Not doing bad overall. Wonder if it will have spider power

Around the Network

KH: TSSF is at 5. KH3 deluxe is at 57. KH3 is at 98. 2.8 is at 150.

Holy shit! SnK I and II are at 77 and 78 respectively. YES!

KH: TSSF is at 5. KH3 deluxe is at 61. KH3 is at 98.

Marth said:

I should fix my sleep schedule...

Don't worry holmes. I got you. You don't have to worry about Kingdom Hearts updates.

Super Mario Party

   CA FR   DE IT  JP  MX  ES   UK  US
06/10  2  -  4  11  2  1  3  6  3
05/10  2  -  12  8  2  1  3  6  2
04/10  2  207  12  2  1  4  6  1
03/10  1 -  137  10  2  1  5  6  1
02/10  1  63  13  2  1  5  8  1
01/10  1  28  19  2  1  5  9  1


CA, JP, MX, ES =

IT,  US  

KH:TSSF is at 14. Kh3 deluxe is at 73.