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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Star Ocean 4...which system(s) do you think the game will be released on?

tombi123 said:
DMeisterJ said:

starcraft said:
I don't claim credit for this idea, Dodoce posted it a while back but I couldn't find the thread:

-If this game was on the PS3, Sony would want us to know about it already. This holds for both PS3 exclusive and PS3/360 multiplatform. Sony is still largely trading on potential as far as games go, ESPECIALLY in Japan where sales are dismal.

This is a flawed theory. It's not up to Sony whether or not the game is announced exclusive or not, it's up to Square Enix.

-IF the game was on the 360, there would be more reason for Microsoft to hold off on an announcement. As we have seen with Lost Odyssey and to a lesser extent Eternal Sonata, Japanese gamers are immediately discounting amazing Japanese-orientated games when they are announced 360 exclusive. However if you hype Star Ocean 4 non-stop, building up the perception in hardcore Japanese gamer's minds that it is a must have and THEN announce it for the 360, they will be more inclined to pick up the console for the game, rather than switching off.

Also flawed, this is speculation that if they don't know what platform it's on, that they'll be more apt to buy it? I think that's grossly incorrect. Why get excited about a game that you might not get to play. If that's true, Microsoft is pretty stupid.

-It must also be noted that the PS3 has shown NO ability to shift JRPG's in the West, whereas the 360 has shown some (limited) ability to do so. Much of this ridiculous idea that the PS3 can sell JRPG's right now comes from the PS2's legacy.

Again, flawed. If this were the case, then FFXIII would be Multi-platform, or Wii Exclusive. And to top it off, there really aren't any JRPGs worth playing on the PS3 [or even out] to compare to the 360s JRPG lineup.

See bolded comments.


Well said DMJ. Dodece and Starcraft's argument is just wishful thinking. There is absolutely no bases to their claims.

Starcraft, can you answer me this question. Why would Sony put a SO4 trailer on the PSP if it wasn't coming to the PS3? Are you seriously suggesting that Sony are advertising a 360 game?

My understanding is that that was some time ago, perhaps MS have since moneyhatted the game?  In any case, my argument is very clearly relevant to the question of PS3 exclusivity.  I haven't seen Sony push this game in any other way, shape or form.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

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Why are we even debating this anymore? From the screen shots its obvious its not a wii game and its fairly obvious its not a 360 exclusive. It is, without a doubt, a ps3 title and possibly a 360 title as well.




@ satrcraft

what is the bases of your claim regarding 360 exclusivity?,,,Atleast sony advertised it on PSP and that's our bases for claiming it's not 360 exclusively

I know u wish for it to be 360 exclusive ,,but your argument is based on NOTHING,,,,and your wish means nothing to SE




PS3 and 360.


starcraft said:
I'm not talking potential in terms of graphical potential, I'm talking in terms of potential AAA games.  The PS3 doesn't have a single AAA exclusive right now.  SO4 could possibly be one.  If it was PS3 exclusive, Sony would have tried to make that clear by now.

The legacy of the PS2 is entirely seperate to the legacy of the PS3.  The PS2 shifted JRPG's on monstrous userbases, and was the highest selling console in Japan.  If we are going by the PS2's legacy, then SE should release it on the Wii. 

And they didn't release it on the Wii, which makes your argument about not releasing SO4 on the PS3 because the "PS3 has shown NO ability to shift JRPG's in the West"  no longer a moot point. Do you disagree?

True that the legacy is seperate, but that does not mean that the ps2's legacy doesn't affect the PS3's legacy.
Most ps3 owners and RPG gamers assumed that the ps3 was going to be the JRPG king, don't you agree?
That is because of the ps2's presence last gen.
One would assume that the PS3 userbase consists a larger percentage of JRPG gamers compared to the Xbox360 userbase. The Xbox360 has already proven that it's userbase don't care much for JRPG's.

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starcraft said:
dabaus513 said:
Starcraft you crack me up bruh. Ps3 has shown that it cant move jrpgs? Forgive my ignorance but what jrpg's does the ps3 have agian? I know your not talking about folklore because thats an action rpg. Its not like the 360 is selling them by the droves either. I remember a thread not to long ago that had to combine the sales of 2 mistwalker games just to equal 1 million. I usually respect your posts as they give the other side when the SDF is on a roll but lately your posts do not rely on reason but just pure hate for the ps3.

And watching the star ocean trailer is not the same as watching it on your zune. Had SE gone out of their way to put it solely on the zune or a SE zune flash game you have a point, but like most of your arguments as of late you have none.

1)What I said was, the PS3 "has shown NO ability to move JRPG's."  If it doesn't have any, that just further proves my point.  Why are you making the assumption that it can sell them just because the PS2 could?  

2)And if you had fully read my post you would have seen me point out that even the software king the 360 has only a "limited" ability to shift JRPG's.  But still, it's a proven ability.

 1) What kind of argument is that? Because there are no JRPG's, the PS3 has also shown no ability that it can't move JRPG's. See it works both ways. It doesn't further prove your point, because you don't have a point in the first place. 

2) The 360 is not the software king. The attach rates for all three consoles are the same. By the time SO4 releases (lets say fall 09) the 360 and PS3 user base will be about equal (the PS3 will most probably be ahead). SO4 sells the most in Japan, where the PS3 does/will have a bigger user base. So SO4 would sell more on the PS3 than the 360. 

every star ocean game has been an exclusive to a particular gaming system, the last 4 so games have been exclusive to a sony system,
so second story....psx
so3 till the end of time..ps2
the 2 so games for the psp currently released in japan and supposedly coming to america later this year.

so why would tri ace and square switch now
so4=ps3 exclusive

At spartan. I have not said ANYWHERE that it will be a 360 exclusive. Read, my earlier posts.

Point 1:
-Your right it is Square's game. If it is already PS3 exclusive, tell me what possible reason they have to keep that from the public?
Point 2:
-Your missing my point. Noone in Japan already owns a 360. If you allow them to believe the game is coming to their system (PS3) they will get hyped for it as you said. Then when you switch it to the 360, they are already hyped for the game, whether they like it or not.
-What do you propose they do with FFXIII? Delay it indefinitely? Put it exclusively on 360 which has NO Japanese userbase? Square have explicitly said they will not put out exclusive after exclusive on the PS3 like they did with the PS2 until the userbase picks up.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

iclim4 said:
starcraft said:
I'm not talking potential in terms of graphical potential, I'm talking in terms of potential AAA games. The PS3 doesn't have a single AAA exclusive right now. SO4 could possibly be one. If it was PS3 exclusive, Sony would have tried to make that clear by now.

The legacy of the PS2 is entirely seperate to the legacy of the PS3. The PS2 shifted JRPG's on monstrous userbases, and was the highest selling console in Japan. If we are going by the PS2's legacy, then SE should release it on the Wii.

And they didn't release it on the Wii, which makes your argument about not releasing SO4 on the PS3 because the "PS3 has shown NO ability to shift JRPG's in the West" no longer a moot point. Do you disagree?

True that the legacy is seperate, but that does not mean that the ps2's legacy doesn't affect the PS3's legacy.
Most ps3 owners and RPG gamers assumed that the ps3 was going to be the JRPG king, don't you agree?
That is because of the ps2's presence last gen.
One would assume that the PS3 userbase consists a larger percentage of JRPG gamers compared to the Xbox360 userbase. The Xbox360 has already proven that it's userbase don't care much for JRPG's.

We could go round in circles on the latter argument.  Until some JRPG's hit the PS3, we just won't know which way it will go.  I was merely pointing out the foley of assuming the PS3 could move large quantities of JRPGs.  As for the Wii? I would love for this game to be Wii exclusive, but I bet it was in development long before the Wii's runaway success, back when everyone assumed the PS3 would be the JRPG king as you said.


starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

starcraft said:
At spartan. I have not said ANYWHERE that it will be a 360 exclusive. Read, my earlier posts.

Point 1:
-Your right it is Square's game. If it is already PS3 exclusive, tell me what possible reason they have to keep that from the public?
Point 2:
-Your missing my point. Noone in Japan already owns a 360. If you allow them to believe the game is coming to their system (PS3) they will get hyped for it as you said. Then when you switch it to the 360, they are already hyped for the game, whether they like it or not.
-What do you propose they do with FFXIII? Delay it indefinitely? Put it exclusively on 360 which has NO Japanese userbase? Square have explicitly said they will not put out exclusive after exclusive on the PS3 like they did with the PS2 until the userbase picks up.

I don't feel like answering each point.

But basically, I think it's a Wii Exclusive.  

PS3 - no userbase, 360 - no sales [for game] in Japan [and even america to an extent], Wii - exact opposite.

I just thought that your reasons for it being 360 exclusive were [and still are] very flawed, and could be applied to any console, even the PS3.