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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Dark Souls Switch delayed to Summer 2018

Miyamotoo said:
wombat123 said:
I'm just kind of numb to these delays and at this point, I think we should all just kind of mentally prepare ourselves for them on any announced 3rd party multiplat game.

Maybe I'M wrong, but I think this is only dealy we had recent times.

Even though there wasn't an announced date, the Dragon Quest XI delay into 2019 (I'm mentally preparing for late 2019) was another one to me.  That used to be a 'day one' purchase and is now it's an "I'll wait until the price is comparable to what the PS4 version is" purchase unless they add a lot of exclusive content.

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Shiken said:
RaptorChrist said:

Coming from the most optimistic man on the Internet, you seem like a major downer. Also, I'm exposing you as the Sony fanboy you are. You're part of the problem.

Look at my post history since Switch was released lol.  This response is a failure on so many levels!  XD

Shiken, a Sony fanboy?


wombat123 said:
Miyamotoo said:

Maybe I'M wrong, but I think this is only dealy we had recent times.

Even though there wasn't an announced date, the Dragon Quest XI delay into 2019 (I'm mentally preparing for late 2019) was another one to me.  That used to be a 'day one' purchase and is now it's an "I'll wait until the price is comparable to what the PS4 version is" purchase unless they add a lot of exclusive content.

Yeah, erewhon expected DQ11 this year but to be frankly it was never confirmed that game will be released this year.

Nuvendil said:
AngryLittleAlchemist said:


Oh wait ... this is third party? 


I mean uhhh, second class treatment, second class citizens. Unfair! Unfair! SONY probably PAID THEM to do it!!!

Anyone who thinks Sony paid them off for this is a jackass.

No, this is infuriating because it's pathetic.  The Switch version is a port, plain and simple.  Looks the same just at 1080p and a stable 30fps.  I am 99% sure there's next to no other improvements except maybe a very, very mild texture resolution bump.  And yet THIS version gets delayed?  A port of a 7 year old game?  I mean, what IS the standard here?  At what point does that quaint quote pulled out to defend every delay become an inadequate defense against accusations of either incompetence or just not caring?

Yeah, you're right. The quote is so stupid and an inadequate defense .... I can't wait till I get to use it for the next Nintendo game!

You want to know what else took a lot of time to come out? Skyrim for Switch. It was shown off as far back as the Switch's reveal trailer and was announced as far back as the January event! When did it come out? November 17. More than a year later. 

And what was the reception like? Well ... despite the fact that you'd occasionally read a comment about how disappointed someone was that it wasn't shown off at x event or y direct, it wasn't downright hated for coming out so late. In fact, when it's official release date was announced, the general atmosphere was one of positivity, even though people had to wait more than an entire year. Oh, and how old is that game? 7 years old. 

When was Wolfenstein 2 announced? Early september of 2017. When is it coming to Switch? Probably mid may at the earliest. That's an EIGHT MONTH window, and it could still come out even later than that! But oh ... Bethesda is soooooo beloved by Nintendo fans cause they stick it to the man with their amazing ports! Take that other lazy third parties ..... 

Even ROCKET LEAGUE took 5 months to release on switch, and even that required some quality of life patches. 

Dark Souls is clearly not out of line with big third party titles. 

Oh, and let's not forget that a certain company who is quite known for their switch games purposely released 9 months after it was almost finished just to try and space out their releases to meet a quota :

Now I'm sure you'll talk about how every one of these things are justified or how I'm totally in the wrong because Nintendo had to push Odyssey to holiday for sales purposes. But that's.not.the.point. The point isn't that these games are unjustified. The point is that the standards are not consistent at all. 

I remember when Dark Souls 3 was rumored for Switch as early as before the Switch launched, and many people were not excited at all because of the memories of the Dark Souls PC port. I'm certainly not implying this will be the highest quality port ever, or the most impressive one, or that it won't come out and have some bugs. But I'd much rather see an improved product than a glitchy game ... and it's probably not a coincidence that a series known for it's excellent online features is getting a delay on a platform with practically none to speak of.

It is MORE THAN FINE to be disappointed that this game is getting delayed, but at this point it is tiring to see a fandom of people so rabid, who are more than eager to shit on a company while simultaneously having a victim complex about how they are treated like second class citizens .... and this is coming from a guy who has even sided with such arguments, when appropriate. 

You want to know the REAL REASON that people are reacting this way? Because the devs made the mistake of being forward with people. They set a release date, they came out and admitted they needed to make a delay, and now people are mad about it. It's in stark contrast to when people bitch and moan about a developer not porting their game at all, and then get excited when coincidentally the game comes out on the Switch 6-10 months after it's initial release, which gets people to shut up entirely.

But i'm sure it's fine because nintendo fans only harp on about Capcom,  Square Enix, From Software, and every once in a blue moon, Konami! It's only a few developers, right?!?!! Just the usual suspects!!!  Right guys?!??!?! Yeah, that justification isn't working out so much ...

Nautilus said:
VGPolyglot said:

Well, look at my original post, did you truly believe that the Switch would ever become the primary destination for third-party games? I fail to see how wanting to win something means someone expects it. Let's take the lottery for example. If someone wants to win the lottery, that doesn't necessarily mean that they expect to win it.

So what you mean is, everyone who enters a loterry expects to lose?You mean that people come out of the loterry muttering "Yes!YES!I have just spend 3 dollars that will lead to nowhere!God, how I LOVE to burn money!"Cmon, you expect me to believe it?

There is always expectation Poly, even when the topic is third party support for the Switch.So no, I didnt expect a support on par with the PS4 but yes, I did expect something better than 3DS for example, and especially a better support from companies known to publish regulary on Nintendo systems, like Square and Capcom.But back to Bandai, given how Dark Souls was revealed and how it was marketed, yes I did expect a level of competence out of them.I mean, why would you expect otherwise?

Yes, I do expect you to believe it, because most people know that when they buy a lottery ticket that the chances of winning are very slim (hence the commonly cited figure of it being more likely to be struck by lightning). Some people may buy lottery tickets out of habit, they may have some disposable income that they buy some with for fun, others may do it out of despair/hopelessness in their personal lives and may do it for hope that they win (and hoping to win is not the same as expecting to win).  

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AngryLittleAlchemist said:
Nuvendil said:

Anyone who thinks Sony paid them off for this is a jackass.

No, this is infuriating because it's pathetic.  The Switch version is a port, plain and simple.  Looks the same just at 1080p and a stable 30fps.  I am 99% sure there's next to no other improvements except maybe a very, very mild texture resolution bump.  And yet THIS version gets delayed?  A port of a 7 year old game?  I mean, what IS the standard here?  At what point does that quaint quote pulled out to defend every delay become an inadequate defense against accusations of either incompetence or just not caring?

Yeah, you're right. The quote is so stupid and an inadequate defense .... I can't wait till I get to use it for the next Nintendo game!

You want to know what else took a lot of time to come out? Skyrim for Switch. It was shown off as far back as the Switch's reveal trailer and was announced as far back as the January event! When did it come out? November 17. More than a year later. 

And what was the reception like? Well ... despite the fact that you'd occasionally read a comment about how disappointed someone was that it wasn't shown off at x event or y direct, it wasn't downright hated for coming out so late. In fact, when it's official release date was announced, the general atmosphere was one of positivity, even though people had to wait more than an entire year. Oh, and how old is that game? 7 years old. 

When was Wolfenstein 2 announced? Early september of 2017. When is it coming to Switch? Probably mid may at the earliest. That's an EIGHT MONTH window, and it could still come out even later than that! But oh ... Bethesda is soooooo beloved by Nintendo fans cause they stick it to the man with their amazing ports! Take that other lazy third parties ..... 

Even ROCKET LEAGUE took 5 months to release on switch, and even that required some quality of life patches. 

Dark Souls is clearly not out of line with big third party titles. 

Oh, and let's not forget that a certain company who is quite known for their switch games purposely released 9 months after it was almost finished just to try and space out their releases to meet a quota :

Now I'm sure you'll talk about how every one of these things are justified or how I'm totally in the wrong because Nintendo had to push Odyssey to holiday for sales purposes. But that's.not.the.point. The point isn't that these games are unjustified. The point is that the standards are not consistent at all. 

I remember when Dark Souls 3 was rumored for Switch as early as before the Switch launched, and many people were not excited at all because of the memories of the Dark Souls PC port. I'm certainly not implying this will be the highest quality port ever, or the most impressive one, or that it won't come out and have some bugs. But I'd much rather see an improved product than a glitchy game ... and it's probably not a coincidence that a series known for it's excellent online features is getting a delay on a platform with practically none to speak of.

It is MORE THAN FINE to be disappointed that this game is getting delayed, but at this point it is tiring to see a fandom of people so rabid, who are more than eager to shit on a company while simultaneously having a victim complex about how they are treated like second class citizens .... and this is coming from a guy who has even sided with such arguments, when appropriate. 

You want to know the REAL REASON that people are reacting this way? Because the devs made the mistake of being forward with people. They set a release date, they came out and admitted they needed to make a delay, and now people are mad about it. It's in stark contrast to when people bitch and moan about a developer not porting their game at all, and then get excited when coincidentally the game comes out on the Switch 6-10 months after it's initial release, which gets people to shut up entirely.

But i'm sure it's fine because nintendo fans only harp on about Capcom,  Square Enix, From Software, and every once in a blue moon, Konami! It's only a few developers, right?!?!! Just the usual suspects!!!  Right guys?!??!?! Yeah, that justification isn't working out so much ...

*sigh* Its so tiring to see this excuse, this idea that the people complaining about these companies that keep on missing and failing to meet either deadlines or make such strange decisions on the Switch are only the "rabid fans".You lose all credibility when you say this.No, its not only Nintendo fans that say this, but gaming fans in general.I am a Sony and Nintendo fan and Im complaining.I dont fit your criteria.How do you explain that, without resorting to what I call as a "hate argument"?Im pretty sure Im not the only one.

Plus, all those games you have listed didnt give a single release date, or at least only gave a release window and respected them as far as I know.This is not the same with DS.They got it wrong, either because they underestimated the ammount of effort needed to port the game, or for a lack of resources.Or both.But they got it wrong, and they deserve the blame.Its a broken promise.What is wrong about complaining, or being rigid, about that?

Plus, I think you confusing being mad at something that the company promised to deliver, and just plain wishing.Ill be the first to admit that I thought that certain companies should have made some different decisions about the release, or lack thereof, of games on the Switch.But I am, and most users are in this site, reasonable when it comes to that.But when some BS comes up, like the whole DQ XI situation regarding the Switch, or now this DS situation, then at least Im not afraid to call a BS for what it is:BS.

My (locked) thread about how difficulty should be a decision for the developers, not the gamers.

RolStoppable said:
Hynad said:

Shiken, a Sony fanboy?


The joke went over both of your heads. That's despite Shiken asking for it.

I'm not familiar with RaptorChrist's posting style.

Unlike you, I don't keep tabs on everyone around here.

RolStoppable said:
Hynad said:

Shiken, a Sony fanboy?


The joke went over both of your heads. That's despite Shiken asking for it.

Nothing goes over my reflexes are too fast, I would catch it.

Nintendo Switch Friend Code: SW-5643-2927-1984

Animal Crossing NH Dream Address: DA-1078-9916-3261

VGPolyglot said:
Nautilus said:

So what you mean is, everyone who enters a loterry expects to lose?You mean that people come out of the loterry muttering "Yes!YES!I have just spend 3 dollars that will lead to nowhere!God, how I LOVE to burn money!"Cmon, you expect me to believe it?

There is always expectation Poly, even when the topic is third party support for the Switch.So no, I didnt expect a support on par with the PS4 but yes, I did expect something better than 3DS for example, and especially a better support from companies known to publish regulary on Nintendo systems, like Square and Capcom.But back to Bandai, given how Dark Souls was revealed and how it was marketed, yes I did expect a level of competence out of them.I mean, why would you expect otherwise?

Yes, I do expect you to believe it, because most people know that when they buy a lottery ticket that the chances of winning are very slim (hence the commonly cited figure of it being more likely to be struck by lightning). Some people may buy lottery tickets out of habit, they may have some disposable income that they buy some with for fun, others may do it out of despair/hopelessness in their personal lives and may do it for hope that they win (and hoping to win is not the same as expecting to win).  

Then what you argumenting with me about?You just agreed with me.Everyone knows the odds of winning games of chance, but the reward is so enticing that they dont mind taking the chance, especially when the ammount they need to spend for a chance to win is so low.If people had 0% expectation of winning such games, Cassinos wouldnt work, wouldnt be in bussiness.Its that slim chance to win, that "but if only" kind of thought, that small expectation to win, that makes people jump the gun and take a chance.

I mean, its only obvious.Everything you do, unless you are forced by someone to do so, you do with even the smallest of expectation to gain something out of it.

My (locked) thread about how difficulty should be a decision for the developers, not the gamers.

Nautilus said:

*sigh* Its so tiring to see this excuse, this idea that the people complaining about these companies that keep on missing and failing to meet either deadlines or make such strange decisions on the Switch are only the "rabid fans".You lose all credibility when you say this.No, its not only Nintendo fans that say this, but gaming fans in general.I am a Sony and Nintendo fan and Im complaining.I dont fit your criteria.How do you explain that, without resorting to what I call as a "hate argument"?Im pretty sure Im not the only one.

Plus, all those games you have listed didnt give a single release date, or at least only gave a release window and respected them as far as I know.This is not the same with DS.They got it wrong, either because they underestimated the ammount of effort needed to port the game, or for a lack of resources.Or both.But they got it wrong, and they deserve the blame.Its a broken promise.What is wrong about complaining, or being rigid, about that?

Plus, I think you confusing being mad at something that the company promised to deliver, and just plain wishing.Ill be the first to admit that I thought that certain companies should have made some different decisions about the release, or lack thereof, of games on the Switch.But I am, and most users are in this site, reasonable when it comes to that.But when some BS comes up, like the whole DQ XI situation regarding the Switch, or now this DS situation, then at least Im not afraid to call a BS for what it is:BS.

The main point is that people complain. Why complain. The issues with those ports won't magically get solved because gamers complain.

I am sure the companies making those games don't do that on purpose. They want to make money. Their goal isn't to piss their potential customers, after all. Because pissed potential costumers, are potentially not customers at all.

So the idea that they willingly neglect some gamers, despite putting the cash necessary into making versions of their games for the hardware is quite unreasonable.

Last edited by Hynad - on 17 April 2018