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Nautilus said:
VGPolyglot said:

Well, look at my original post, did you truly believe that the Switch would ever become the primary destination for third-party games? I fail to see how wanting to win something means someone expects it. Let's take the lottery for example. If someone wants to win the lottery, that doesn't necessarily mean that they expect to win it.

So what you mean is, everyone who enters a loterry expects to lose?You mean that people come out of the loterry muttering "Yes!YES!I have just spend 3 dollars that will lead to nowhere!God, how I LOVE to burn money!"Cmon, you expect me to believe it?

There is always expectation Poly, even when the topic is third party support for the Switch.So no, I didnt expect a support on par with the PS4 but yes, I did expect something better than 3DS for example, and especially a better support from companies known to publish regulary on Nintendo systems, like Square and Capcom.But back to Bandai, given how Dark Souls was revealed and how it was marketed, yes I did expect a level of competence out of them.I mean, why would you expect otherwise?

Yes, I do expect you to believe it, because most people know that when they buy a lottery ticket that the chances of winning are very slim (hence the commonly cited figure of it being more likely to be struck by lightning). Some people may buy lottery tickets out of habit, they may have some disposable income that they buy some with for fun, others may do it out of despair/hopelessness in their personal lives and may do it for hope that they win (and hoping to win is not the same as expecting to win).