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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Dark Souls Switch delayed to Summer 2018

Damn I was reaaaally looking forward to that and the ~25 minutes of gameplay I got to see on YouTube looked like it was a superb port. I wonder why they decided to delay it? Pretty disappointing, had planned for that to fill much of the middle of the year for me.

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AngryLittleAlchemist said:


Oh wait ... this is third party? 


I mean uhhh, second class treatment, second class citizens. Unfair! Unfair! SONY probably PAID THEM to do it!!!

Exactly what I thought. But I decided it was wiser not to point that out yet.

Nuvendil said:
AngryLittleAlchemist said:


Oh wait ... this is third party? 


I mean uhhh, second class treatment, second class citizens. Unfair! Unfair! SONY probably PAID THEM to do it!!!

Anyone who thinks Sony paid them off for this is a jackass.

No, this is infuriating because it's pathetic.  The Switch version is a port, plain and simple.  Looks the same just at 1080p and a stable 30fps.  I am 99% sure there's next to no other improvements except maybe a very, very mild texture resolution bump.  And yet THIS version gets delayed?  A port of a 7 year old game?  I mean, what IS the standard here?  At what point does that quaint quote pulled out to defend every delay become an inadequate defense against accusations of either incompetence or just not caring?

Really Nuvendil? Do you do that for every delays?

Can't there be any other reason for such delays other than incompetence or just not caring?

Nuvendil said:
AngryLittleAlchemist said:


Oh wait ... this is third party? 


I mean uhhh, second class treatment, second class citizens. Unfair! Unfair! SONY probably PAID THEM to do it!!!

Anyone who thinks Sony paid them off for this is a jackass.

No, this is infuriating because it's pathetic.  The Switch version is a port, plain and simple.  Looks the same just at 1080p and a stable 30fps.  I am 99% sure there's next to no other improvements except maybe a very, very mild texture resolution bump.  And yet THIS version gets delayed?  A port of a 7 year old game?  I mean, what IS the standard here?  At what point does that quaint quote pulled out to defend every delay become an inadequate defense against accusations of either incompetence or just not caring?

Actually only 1080p counts like remaster not port, because we clarly talking about big improvment in resolution.

Last edited by Miyamotoo - on 17 April 2018

I'm just kind of numb to these delays and at this point, I think we should all just kind of mentally prepare ourselves for them on any announced 3rd party multiplat game.

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RaptorChrist said:
Shiken said:

I am slowly reverting back to buying all multiplats on my PS4 unless I NEED the portability for the game. Other than that, I guess I will be using my Switch for Switch exclusives from here on out.

I am about as optimistic as they come when it comes to concessions for portability and waiting for the Switch versions of games. However the delayed release dates are starting to become a real problem for me. This does not affect me much as I was passing on it anyway, but there are many others that do and the news of it all is putting a bad taste in my mouth.

Yes I know they need the extra time, yes I know it is still early in the Switch's life...but a lot of these games should not need to be delayed. Dark Souls is a PS3 game FFS, and seeing how LA Noir was day and date with the PS4 remaster, there is no excuse for games like this.

It is really becoming appearent that 3rd party games are an afterthought on Switch to make a quick buck from the rapidly growing install base, and I cannot support that.

I still love my Switch and will still have a ton of games to play on it, but I will say that it is good to be a multiplatform gamer so I do not get caught up in these unnecessary delays.

If things improve in the following years, I will revisit the topic. However as it stands for now...

Switch=Nintendo exclusives
PS4=Everything else

*opens a lawnchair, opens popcorn, and sits down and awaits Nintendo fans to lecture me, and everyone else to tell me they told me so*

Coming from the most optimistic man on the Internet, you seem like a major downer. Also, I'm exposing you as the Sony fanboy you are. You're part of the problem.

Look at my post history since Switch was released lol.  This response is a failure on so many levels!  XD

Nintendo Switch Friend Code: SW-5643-2927-1984

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wombat123 said:
I'm just kind of numb to these delays and at this point, I think we should all just kind of mentally prepare ourselves for them on any announced 3rd party multiplat game.

Maybe I'M wrong, but I think this is only dealy we had recent times.

Nuvendil said:
Kerotan said:

Do you think the other versions look like a remaster? 



I'm just glad they didn't delay the other versions because 1 of them wasn't ready. Good move on their part. But it's weird how Nintendo got to reveal this and now will have to wait. 

Yes, actually, they do.  New textures, lighting, and a major performance bump.  Switch might have a TINY advantage in texture resolution over PS360, but other than that it's near identical just running at 1080p and a much more stable 30fps.  There's no spinning this, it's a screw up on someone's part.


Also, I doubt you would be so pleased if the PS4 got a delay and the others got out ahead.  Not that that would ever happen, they would delay them all first before they dared delay the PS4 version.

No I wouldn't be happy because I'm biased towards ps4. Still doesn't change the fact I'm happy the other better versions are going ahead. 


If you want a better remaster Nintendo will have to release more powerful hardware. 

Is this the first big delay of the Switch? I don't remember any of Nintendo's big own titles being delayed. To be fair, this delay is better for my schedule, but I'm not that interested in this, I was going to wait for a pricedrop anyway.

You know it deserves the GOTY.

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VGPolyglot said:
Nautilus said:

Hold on, hold on.You are either moving goalposts now, or just changing subjects entirely.

What I said is:If someone wants something, then he expects them to happen.Im not adressing the "intensity" of that expectation or wish here.But I didnt say that if someone expects something, it dosent necessarily mean that he wants it.Its two very different things.In the first situation, if the condition A is met, then B is always true.But in the second situation, if the condition A is met, B is not necessarily always true.

Well, look at my original post, did you truly believe that the Switch would ever become the primary destination for third-party games? I fail to see how wanting to win something means someone expects it. Let's take the lottery for example. If someone wants to win the lottery, that doesn't necessarily mean that they expect to win it.

So what you mean is, everyone who enters a loterry expects to lose?You mean that people come out of the loterry muttering "Yes!YES!I have just spend 3 dollars that will lead to nowhere!God, how I LOVE to burn money!"Cmon, you expect me to believe it?

There is always expectation Poly, even when the topic is third party support for the Switch.So no, I didnt expect a support on par with the PS4 but yes, I did expect something better than 3DS for example, and especially a better support from companies known to publish regulary on Nintendo systems, like Square and Capcom.But back to Bandai, given how Dark Souls was revealed and how it was marketed, yes I did expect a level of competence out of them.I mean, why would you expect otherwise?

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