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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo Direct January Prediction Thread.

I hope they have one soon. But nothing is confirmed.

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Have those leaked pages from a certain magazine been disproven? Because if not, I feel that fire emblem and pikmin 4 are pretty safe bets.

Honestly, nintnedo is literally playing with fire with this direct and nothing will live up to the hype people are building up, but I'd be satisfied with those two announcements if they are scheduled for 2018.

I make game analyses on youtube:

Shadow of the Colossus:
Silent Hill 2:

What I expect:

Detailed trailers about games that we already know that are coming: Kirby, Yoshi, Fire Emblem, Metroid Prime 4, Bayonetta games, and Project Octopath. (Might be a couple of other games I forgot, but you get the idea.)  There will probably be one other new game from an established franchise.  They may tease some of their really big guns like Pokemon or Animal Crossing, but I don't think those games will be ready yet for an elaborate full scale reveal.

There will be a spinoff game of some sort that no one asked for (think Captain Toad or Metroid Federation Force).

They will save the full reveal of the online service for E3.

They will have a few new 3DS games to show.

The biggest surprise will be the huge amount of third party games coming to the Switch, especially Japanese third party games.  The vast majority of these will be ports of old games, although some will also be simultaneous releases for Switch and other consoles.  It won't be "Switch exclusives" that will make this presentation memorable.  Instead it will be that the Switch will just have so many games coming to it.  Even if these games are old or available on other consoles, the sheer number of them will still impress.

Half-Life will show up.

There has been so much hype for a January Direct... I hope they don't have one until February just to muck without people.

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Fire Emblem + Date
Yoshi + June
Pikmin 4 + Summer
Project Octo + date
Teaser Animal Crossing Switch + Fall
Wolfenstein 2 + Date
Trailer of No more Heroes
F-Zero Announcement + Date
Recap Bayonetta 2 & Payday 2 quickly
Kirby + Date
Trailer Smash 5 + 1 new character (inklings) +2018
Announcement of the game from Retro + Spring