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Forums - Sony Discussion - PS4 Sells 5.9 Million Units Worldwide During 2017 Holiday Season, >73.6 Million Sold Through

The difference in 300K between holiday 2016 and holiday 2017 could be either by:

- Lower stock compared to holiday 2016
- Xbox One S or Xbox One X
- Or The Switch.

But I still thinks that is due to low stock or the xbox one.

Still, Impressive numbers.

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100 million will be easy. Remembering when people said consoles are on the decline xD

Genos8 said:
CGI-Quality said:

I haven't denied any affect. I said it wasn't significant and presented a reason for thinking so. Now, you're changing from 2017, overall, to holiday sales. You also leave out that the PS4 had a new piece of kit come out last holiday (which, by "coincidence" would have helped it sell more during that time). Plus, by how much did the PS4 sell less? 300K. In this context, that is not significant, even before we consider that the Switch wouldn't have been responsible for each one of those sales.

It was up by a few million in the rest of the year. Suddenly dropping in the holidays doesn't make sense on it's own. I didn't change anything, the holidays are still part of 2017 and the switch was too supply constrained to affect it much before that period.

Is it really that hard to understand? Last year was the launch of the PS4 Pro. That really could explain it all. Though, if Sony had been more aggressive in Dec, they could have easily made that up. Either keeping the plain PS4 at $199 (or at least $229), or by having more bundles at $249, possibly with 2+ games. Instead, they didn't really do much to combat their competition, but still ended up only 300K down for the holidays. 

think-man said:
100 million will be easy. Remembering when people said consoles are on the decline xD

LOL, I remember a few "Well, if this how bad the Wii U is doing, just imagine how bad the PS4/XBO will do" comments back in 2012/early 2013. How things change. 

think-man said:
100 million will be easy. Remembering when people said consoles are on the decline xD
thismeintiel said:
think-man said:
100 million will be easy. Remembering when people said consoles are on the decline xD

LOL, I remember a few "Well, if this how bad the Wii U is doing, just imagine how bad the PS4/XBO will do" comments back in 2012/early 2013. How things change. 

Launch-aligned, how does WiiU+PS4+X1 compare to Wii+PS3+360?

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KLAMarine said:
think-man said:
100 million will be easy. Remembering when people said consoles are on the decline xD
thismeintiel said:

LOL, I remember a few "Well, if this how bad the Wii U is doing, just imagine how bad the PS4/XBO will do" comments back in 2012/early 2013. How things change. 

Launch-aligned, how does WiiU+PS4+X1 compare to Wii+PS3+360?

You're going to have to compare it to a normal gen, like PS2+Xbox+GC. The Wii brought in a lot of casuals who didn't normally game. Ones who have mostly left for mobile gaming, bloating last gen's numbers. For the comparison I'm talking about, PS4 is going to be a little below PS2, while XBO is already 10M+ ahead of Xbox and will probably finish 20M+ ahead of it. The Wii U sold poorly, but that's still only a 8M deficit against the GC that XBO has already made up for. 

thismeintiel said:
KLAMarine said:

Launch-aligned, how does WiiU+PS4+X1 compare to Wii+PS3+360?

You're going to have to compare it to a normal gen, like PS2+Xbox+GC. The Wii brought in a lot of casuals who didn't normally game. Ones who have mostly left for mobile gaming, bloating last gen's numbers. For the comparison I'm talking about, PS4 is going to be a little below PS2, while XBO is already 10M+ ahead of Xbox and will probably finish 20M+ ahead of it. The Wii U sold poorly, but that's still only a 8M deficit against the GC that XBO has already made up for. 

A sale is a sale as far as I'm concerned.

KLAMarine said:
thismeintiel said:

You're going to have to compare it to a normal gen, like PS2+Xbox+GC. The Wii brought in a lot of casuals who didn't normally game. Ones who have mostly left for mobile gaming, bloating last gen's numbers. For the comparison I'm talking about, PS4 is going to be a little below PS2, while XBO is already 10M+ ahead of Xbox and will probably finish 20M+ ahead of it. The Wii U sold poorly, but that's still only a 8M deficit against the GC that XBO has already made up for. 

A sale is a sale as far as I'm concerned.

True. But, you still can't count that bloat from casuals as a true long lasting growth in the industry, one thats used to show the industry is shrinking, now. Home consoles should go on to sell the same, maybe a little bit more, when compared to Gen 6. The core market seems to be holding strong, while there are fewer casuals. 

thismeintiel said:
KLAMarine said:

A sale is a sale as far as I'm concerned.

True. But, you still can't count that bloat from casuals as a true long lasting growth in the industry, one thats used to show the industry is shrinking, now. Home consoles should go on to sell the same, maybe a little bit more, when compared to Gen 6. The core market seems to be holding strong, while there are fewer casuals. 

You're opening a can of worms but if you insist: so how do you propose we filter out casuals? Is it feasibly possible to do so with the resources at our disposal? For that matter, what is a casual? Also, is it impossible that the PS2 era and eras prior had its fair share of casuals? I'm sure some purchased a PS1/2 because not only did it play games but also played CDs/DVDs and I think it's possible some used it more for the latter than the former.

Wanna take a crack at it, thismeintiel?

Genos8 said:
CGI-Quality said:

It's not a dismissal. The Switch could have made the impact (I've said this from the beginning). However, it just can't be proven and 300K isn't a lot.

Next, if PS4 is down "a lot" (remember, this is key) in 2018 - then sure, I may start to think the Switch has made a bigger impact (well, besides the fact that the PS4 would be 5-years-old at that point, which could also impact the system that way). However, my argument has been about 2016 vs 2017, where the PS4 did its best and was only down 300K (out of 20.2m) in a holiday period, with no way to be sure what the absolute cause was. 

Then there's the other side, if PS4 sells even more in 2018. That possibility is just as high.

I see some contradiction here. Do you think it has high chances to be up YOY in 2018 or that being in it's 5th year will greatly reduce sales? Can't go for the latter and then change to the former if it sells much less. I for instance think the ps4 will face a natural decline for being in it's 5th year AND it will be intensified by the switch presence. Without the switch I think it would fall to 17m but the switch should make it decrease to less than 13m.

Okay this is stupid levels of prediction here.
I get your obviously not a Sony fan, but this is just extreme.

PS4 is still 299$ officially (and they went back up to that price really early in december, which is why its dec was down abit compaired to last years).
With official price cuts (249$ or 199$) and "God of War" "Spiderman" "detroit become human"...... theres no reason to think it ll go from 20.2m -> less than 13m.

My thinking is 2018 is a 18m year at worst, at best it might even be another 20m year.