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Forums - Gaming Discussion - CGI's HYPE Series: Graphics Showdown 2018


The Best Looking Game Of 2018

01. God Of War 15 45.45%
02. Spider-Man 3 9.09%
03. Detroit: Become Human 6 18.18%
04. Red Dead Redemption 2 6 18.18%
05. Battlefield V 3 9.09%

What do you think about "Detroit: Become Human" ?

One of the best graphic-engines in my opinion, love the details.

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eva01beserk said:
KazumaKiryu said:

So true., many strong and beautiful games this year. I think Detroit Become Human is underestimated.

ps. next year, the graphic-fight between The Last of Us 2, Death Stranding and Ghost of Tsushima ?

The gameplay is still unkown for death starding and ghost of tsushima. A fun game will sway me even for graphics comparisons. 

To be as objective as possible when grading graphics, shouldn't fun be taken out of the comparison? It really has no bearing on the visuals and tech. But it can add a bias which is pretty much what you have when you say a fun game will sway you when comparing games in next year's "graphic-fight."

danasider said:
eva01beserk said:

The gameplay is still unkown for death starding and ghost of tsushima. A fun game will sway me even for graphics comparisons. 

To be as objective as possible when grading graphics, shouldn't fun be taken out of the comparison? It really has no bearing on the visuals and tech. But it can add a bias which is pretty much what you have when you say a fun game will sway you when comparing games in next year's "graphic-fight."

Pretty much i would not compare a prerecorded video against in game play. Or if nathan drake is all alone climbing a mountain is easier to make look better than a necromancer with a pet army fighting another army. I need something to base my judgement on.

It takes genuine talent to see greatness in yourself despite your absence of genuine talent.

CGI-Quality said:

(...) and beginning Dec 1, we'll create the Top 5 Poll!

Cant wait :) It's exciting to see what the majority thinks, by VGChartz.

CGI-Quality said:

One week left : )

Will this big poll be featured on the VGChartz main page?

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Battlefield V easily

Please excuse my (probally) poor grammar

CGI-Quality said:
Qwark said:
Battlefield V easily

I need to know what it is that you see. Many of the environmental textures are flat (even from a distance), for example. Character models look good, but are nothing we haven't seen done better in other titles. Lighting is great, but then, Battlefront II and God of War wipe the floor with it here.

Really, for 2018, there are better options.

Going by the poll, what "better" options are there for PC?. Since you don't think BFV is anything special. 

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"

Will the new poll involve more than the usual console exclusive games as well as Sony based ones?.

I'd actually love to see a fair and well thought out poll for next year, and not one that pays to just one group's vote chamber.

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"

CGI-Quality said:

My final vote for 2018 is Detroit: Become Human. God of War comes in a very close 2nd. I pick Spidey for best looking open world game, but I haven't played RDR2 enough (in fairness).

Based on the votes, I will now change the poll to reflect the Top 5 chosen by the site.

1. God of War
2. Spider-Man
3. Detroit: Become Human
4. Red Dead Redemption 2
5. Battlefield V

Get those votes in by December 30, 2018!

Good and understandable choice.

I vote for "Detroit: Become Human", has the most beautiful character models and details in my eyes.

Number 2 God of War, Number 3 Red Dead Redemption 2 & Spiderman with the same high level.

For me God of War comes first as it is the best looking with HDR. Detroit looks amazing as well yet GoW makes more use of wide color. Spider man is the best looking open world game with good use of HDR and zooming by buildings all with 3D interiors inside is amazing. I also never noticed any pop up (ps4 pro). RDR2 has an amazing weather system and the landscapes all look fantastic. However the faked HDR lets it down as well as some rough textures.
RDR2 is the best for screenshots though and especially timelapse. (Not hampered by the HDR to SDR down conversion helps. Screenshots of HDR games never look that great when viewed on an SDR display)

Detroit has the best character models. Arthur is quite good in RDR2, yet the quality of character models quickly goes down from there.

For me:
1. God of War
2. Detroit become human
3. Spider man
4. RDR2

I have not played battlefield 5, and RDR2 can move up if R* bothers to implement proper HDR rendering.
Runner up: Tetris effect for all the amazing visual effects!

Looks even better in HDR, a lot of the glow is lost in that video.