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Forums - Gaming Discussion - CGI's HYPE Series: Graphics Showdown 2018


The Best Looking Game Of 2018

01. God Of War 15 45.45%
02. Spider-Man 3 9.09%
03. Detroit: Become Human 6 18.18%
04. Red Dead Redemption 2 6 18.18%
05. Battlefield V 3 9.09%
CGI-Quality said:
Chazore said:

Seems a bit odd, I mean, people are going to vote for their favourite game on here, so winding it down to 5 still means 1 is going to gain more votes than the other.

Nothing odd about it. Games are voted in/out based on feedback/reception/site opinions. 

So it's basically going to be narrowed down to either a Sony game or RDR2

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"

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CGI-Quality said:
Chazore said:

Seems a bit odd, I mean, people are going to vote for their favourite game on here, so winding it down to 5 still means 1 is going to gain more votes than the other.

Nothing odd about it. Games are voted in/out based on feedback/reception/site opinions. 

But how do u know this? The voting hasn't even begun. Seems a bit odd just to take it away.

6x master league achiever in starcraft2

Beaten Sigrun on God of war mode

Beaten DOOM ultra-nightmare with NO endless ammo-rune, 2x super shotgun and no decoys on ps4 pro.

1-0 against Grubby in Wc3 frozen throne ladder!!

Chazore said:
CGI-Quality said:

I'm sorry to do this again, but I still can't get over how good this game looks. Yet, most of you chose Horizon. Silly gooses!

I don't think it's going to matter on how good the game looks. The last 3 were won by Sony exclusives, so I naturally see another Sony exclusive getting the majority of votes by the end of this year. next year will be the same story. The cycle will keep going until there is a slowdown of big blockbuster exclusives, or less bias being used, but I don't really see that happening on here. 

Star Citizen could finish within the next few years and I know it won't take a win.

Don't believe it has anything to do with Sony, graphics is just in the eye of the gamer. Like I rank Horizon: zero dawn the best graphics released this console generation, but I still rank Crysis 3 the king of graphics. And I don't know anything technical about rendering those graphics. I'm just familiar with terms like Razterization, geomtry and textures but I have no clue what they mean.

It's the same from the dude above us talking about Sw: battlefront 2, this game looks great on youtube and screenshot but when you play it, it's just meh graphics and don't rank that high. Yes I played on PC 1440p with high settings.

Same with Star Citizen, I seen youtube videos and screenshots and I just don't think it impressive, but I learned not to judge graphics intill I played it.

6x master league achiever in starcraft2

Beaten Sigrun on God of war mode

Beaten DOOM ultra-nightmare with NO endless ammo-rune, 2x super shotgun and no decoys on ps4 pro.

1-0 against Grubby in Wc3 frozen throne ladder!!

Kingdom Come: Deliverance.
So far.

Hopefully something can dethrone that this year.

Hunt: Showdown is also very pretty.
Well, that's CryEngine for you.

Last edited by caffeinade - on 13 May 2018

Chazore said:
CGI-Quality said:

Nothing odd about it. Games are voted in/out based on feedback/reception/site opinions. 

So it's basically going to be narrowed down to either a Sony game or RDR2

I think you are looking at it with to much bias. I for one dont think hardware should influence on an opinion. Like CGI posting pics of battlefront looking great on his monster pc, then I go to play it on my crappy one and end up disappointed. Then try the pro and it looks better than on my pc but still not as good as horizon. Whos fault is it then? 

I just think that game looks great regardless of power of hardware. If I need a $3000 rig to make a game look great, then I have my doubts off that game. Why not compare  in the place the both are, like the ps4 pro. And if it still looks better then you can see who is voting just from bias.

PS. CGI im not trying to impose anything on your thread, don't even think of this as a suggestion. Im just saying this is how some view comparisons, on the same system to eliminate any handicap. You can keep doing what your doing.

It takes genuine talent to see greatness in yourself despite your absence of genuine talent.

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eva01beserk said:
Chazore said:

So it's basically going to be narrowed down to either a Sony game or RDR2

I think you are looking at it with to much bias. I for one dont think hardware should influence on an opinion. Like CGI posting pics of battlefront looking great on his monster pc, then I go to play it on my crappy one and end up disappointed. Then try the pro and it looks better than on my pc but still not as good as horizon. Whos fault is it then? 

I just think that game looks great regardless of power of hardware. If I need a $3000 rig to make a game look great, then I have my doubts off that game. Why not compare  in the place the both are, like the ps4 pro. And if it still looks better then you can see who is voting just from bias.

PS. CGI im not trying to impose anything on your thread, don't even think of this as a suggestion. Im just saying this is how some view comparisons, on the same system to eliminate any handicap. You can keep doing what your doing.

What does this have to do with hardware?.


I'm talking about the games and them being voted off. The past 3 years have had Sony games taking the win, with the other games not getting nearly enough votes. It's not that I'm looking at this with too much of my own bias (which is odd, because plenty of people on here are biased, humans are just like that in general), it's that there is a clear disinterest in anything else but blockbuster AAA titles, and those exclusive to a console tend to get more talk and attention on here. I almost find it pointless that PC even gets anything put into the thread, because it'll never win via votes, as there aren't that many people on here that like PC gaming, nor care about what it has to offer. That's not my own bias, that's just a simple fact of current events.

I also don't think, going by your logic, that we should ignore hardware, but then decide to judge everything on just the PS4 pro and not a high end system as well. You don't even need to spend a mythical 3k to see the nice visuals of BF2. I don't even need to game at native 4k on PC to notice the visual fidelity of BF1, let alone BF2. 

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"

I'm a little confused as to what must be done here? Do we vote on the choices shown in the OP? Do we add titles we consider graphically outstanding? Do we just discuss it?

Anyway, I'll just give my opinion/vote. I'm absolutely going for the Shadow of the Colossus Remake. In my opinion it's graphically speaking one of the most beautiful games ever made and on top of that it's an amazing game in and of itself. So my vote goes for this game, hands down!

CGI-Quality said:

In 2017, BFII got 14 of the 35 votes, with Horizon taking just 5 more. Beyond that, we have plenty of PC people here. So the platform will continue to be a part of these discussions, regardless of perceived biases.

Plenty, but not enough to hold a single win.

I'll wait this year and next to see if the results change from the status quo. 

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"

CGI-Quality said:
Chazore said:

Plenty, but not enough to hold a single win.

I'll wait this year and next to see if the results change from the status quo. 

The results are what they are. This is how these topics have gone for the last 7 years. There's always the option to not participate, if it bothers you. But for now, it's a tired discussion that has derailed the topic long enough.

They are what they are, as dictated by the number of votes.

It makes no difference if I did participate or not. it's not that it bothers me, it just comes off as being rather pointless. It's like including a best friend to a party, but then you always choose to hang out with other people instead.

If it were my choice, I'd make two threads for voting purposes. That way you get two different results, rather than the same result spanning a number of years.


I think Metro looks nice, and likely the new Battlefield game, but this isn't really a thread about what you think is the best, it's about what "is" the best game, as shown by the final resulting poll. 

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"

CGI-Quality said:

I heard the complaints already (I heard them from you in both 2016 and 2017). I'll say it one last time - let it go! Nothing is changing.

I let it go a long time ago. I just want to be the guy that points at the same data.



Last edited by CGI-Quality - on 13 May 2018

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"