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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Motion controls on the Switch.

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What's your opinion on motion control aming on the Switch?

It's a massive improveme... 22 37.29%
It's a useful thing, but only sparingly. 22 37.29%
I don't really care abou... 3 5.08%
They are not as good as a... 3 5.08%
They are an inferior way ... 3 5.08%
Don't know, don't care. 6 10.17%

In all blunt honesty, the only thing the Wiimote ever did right was the IR pointer. The actual "motion" controls themselves were usually wonky, and tedious no matter how good the game. IR pointing, combined with the nunchuk stick, made playing FPS games a breeze, it was REALLY good for any aim/shoot based game.

Outside of that? The Wiimote never really did that much. And motion controls with things like the Sixaxis and Gamepad, were pretty much always terrible.

Honestly, while I suppose it's a neat feature to have AVAILABLE, I really wish Nintendo would just not use them most of the time.

Around the Network

Gyro aiming is great, most other implementations annoy me

I want gyro aiming I'm every game that features third person shooting. Hell, add it to first person shooting!

Motion controls are great if implemented wisely. Breath of the Wild, Splatoon, ARMS and Mario make good use of it. I'm actually interested in Resident Evil now because Resident Evil 4 profited greatly from the Wiimote back in the day. Motion controls got a bad rep because they were shoehorned into a lot of games during the Wii generation. I hope Metroid Prime 4 will feature motion aiming and I really want a Switch Sports.