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Forums - Sales Discussion - Amazon U.S. November bestsellers and general Amazon-based discussion

xl-klaudkil said:
Such a shame ps4 never got morw stock when it whas 200 could have sold a record amount yet now its just" oke"
Xbox onw still selling like crazy and should surpase ps4 quit easily

Let's not jump to conclusions.  MS may win the Amazon battle if it moves up past it in tomorrow's update, which should be the last one for NPD, but Sony may have won a large B&M battle.  We won't know for awhile, though.

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thismeintiel said:
xl-klaudkil said:
Such a shame ps4 never got morw stock when it whas 200 could have sold a record amount yet now its just" oke"
Xbox onw still selling like crazy and should surpase ps4 quit easily

Let's not jump to conclusions.  MS may win the Amazon battle if it moves up past it in tomorrow's update, which should be the last one for NPD, but Sony may have won a large B&M battle.  We won't know for awhile, though.

Reuters specifically mentioned the PS4 as one of the biggest sellers on Thanksgiving and Black Friday if that means anything.

Every day it looks like a higher and higher chance PS4 took the win. First GameStop and now this Reuters PR.

I still have a flash where Switch won this month

Playstation_awaiter said:
Every day it looks like a higher and higher chance PS4 took the win. First GameStop and now this Reuters PR.

From what we keep hearing, it looks like the PS4 dumped a lot more stock and sold nearly all of it.

If we use Amazon as a barometer of X1X sales, then it it trailed the X1S and PS4 by a significant margin.

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Playstation_awaiter said:
Every day it looks like a higher and higher chance PS4 took the win. First GameStop and now this Reuters PR.

It can't speak of Reuters because I haven't read it but gamestop? They never mentioned once in that article that any console sold more than the other.

WebMasterFlex said:
I still have a flash where Switch won this month

I think that's possible, but BF and CM are price-driven sales days.

NS is novel and largely serves a unique market, but PS4/X1S really brought the sales.

Insidb said:
UltimateGamer1982 said:

Prediction or insider knowledge?


UltimateGamer1982 said:
Insidb said:

Prediction or insider knowledge?


You dirty dawg!

zorg1000 said:
xl-klaudkil said:
Such a shame ps4 never got morw stock when it whas 200 could have sold a record amount yet now its just" oke"
Xbox onw still selling like crazy and should surpase ps4 quit easily

Doubt it would have set a record, Wii did over 2 million in Nov 2008.

vgchartz numbers says 1,75m for NOV 2008