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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Square needs to put the kingdom hearts collection on the switch!

This is perfect! They must put the kingdom hearts collection on the switch. It needs to happen.It would be a proper gauge of interest for kingdom hearts 3 to be on the switch. Nomura seems to be having reservations but now nintnedo has the perfect platform that can showcase interest! What do you think!?

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Why ? Perfect is: All important Kingdom Hearts games are available on PS4, two collections with many (6x?) games. And at the end of 2018 Kingdom Hearts 3 will be released on PlayStation 4, then the dream of fans will come true. Would be cool if a Final Fantasy 7 Remake-demo is included. Square Enix will continue to make great new games and no old switch-ports in my opinion.

KazumaKiryu said:

Why ? Perfect is: All important Kingdom Hearts games are available on PS4, two collections with many (6x?) games. And at the end of 2018 Kingdom Hearts 3 will be released on PlayStation 4, then the dream of fans will come true. Would be cool if a Final Fantasy 7 remake-demo is included. Square Enix will continue to make great new games and no old switch-ports in my opinion.

The 1.5 + 2.5 collection has 6 games, I think 2.8 has 2 or 3

Predicted 15+ million lifetime-sales for God of War:

I think it would do well on a Nintendo platform, it's not like the ds/3ds games did poorly.


They will put them eventually. Kingdom Hearts always sells well on Nintendo handhelds. We'll see all of the games, plus all of the branching titles (with all their decimals).

You know it deserves the GOTY.

Come join The 2018 Obscure Game Monthly Review Thread.

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Predicted 15+ million lifetime-sales for God of War:

Tmfwang said:
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Meh... They could get away with a switch port by packaging it with 2.8 it's not like Sony owns the franchise...


tsogud said:
Tmfwang said:
Top right corner:

Meh... They could get away with a switch port by packaging it with 2.8 it's not like Sony owns the franchise...

Or they could just make a 2.8573 version, so they can say 2.8 is still PS exclusive. Just add a Mickey hat and everything will be solved! XD

You know it deserves the GOTY.

Come join The 2018 Obscure Game Monthly Review Thread.

Well actually everything should be on the Switch whenever its possible.
The system is brilliant. Its amazing to be able to play home console games where ever you want.
I hadn't played anything portable for 10 years, but I've already played Mario Kart 8D on a airplane, in a hotel, in bed etc.
It's really different than a gameboy/DS and PSP. We finally have true home console games on the go.


I hope so,because then i would have time to play it.The posture i have about this is the same about almost all the games that come out after the switch launch: i hope it's on switch,otherwise i will not play,because i don't have enough time.

That's why i'm excited about doom on switch.Finally i will be able to play that game.It will be perfect for the 4 hours i have to spend in college doing nothing.