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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Street Fighter: Anniversary Collection Leaked for PS4/XB1

The argument that third parties are incompetent when it comes to Nintendo or make half-asses efforts doesn't seem that farfetched now, does it?

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Nice. Hopefully this will have Alpha 3 in there as well.

Like seriously Capcom... wtf

Capcom should be giving 50% discount to the USFII. I'm still waiting for a price drop on USFII, glad to see this collection but I hope it would also be released in Switch.

Pinkie_pie said:
I think the reason why ultra street fighter 2 sold well evn though it was $40 is because switch owners didn't want to risk losing monster hunter. If nintendo fans make capcom angry by not buying their games, they know capcom will abandon the switch


My (locked) thread about how difficulty should be a decision for the developers, not the gamers.

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Hiku said:
SecondWar said:

Which is more complete; Hyper Street Fighter II or Ultra Street Fighter II?

Well, Hyper lets you use any itreration of a character (for example, Turbo Ken may be better than Super Ken).
Each character has 5 versions. "Normal", "Champ", "Turbo", "Super" and "Super T".

In Ultra Street Fighter II I believe each character is based on the Super Turbo HD balancing. But it has three new characters, Violent Ken, Evil Ryu and Shin Akuma.

I'm even more confused than before...

collint0101 said:
Hold on wtf? The switch gets a $40 port of sf2 alone and the ps4 and xb1 get this? Wtf is wrong with them

Yeah, that was my first thought too.

Stellar support there guys....especially since there no reason why this couldn't come to the Switch as well. But since sf2 did exceed their expectations on Switch they will just continue ripping off their Nintendo audience now.

Hope we get a switch version as well.

acdcste said:
Hope we get a switch version as well.

Maybe SFIII, 40 bucks, because Capcom. If this rumour is true, it's a pretty dick-ish move. If they want to piss off all of the Ninty fandom, they are making pretty awesome decisions 

Yeah I agree you can never quite be sure with Capcom.